medievel torture device

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" wash your face with this " evie hummed, handing jj a cleanser as he sat on the closed toilet seat with a pink fluffy headband moving his blonde locks away from his face. he had a pout on his features, his hand coming up subconciously to run through his hair but he frowned to see he couldn't because of the thing on his head.

after she had cleaned him up, jj watched her do her skincare which evie noticed, which resulted in this situation.
jj looked between her and the cleanser and sighed in defeat, before standing up and letting evie pump some into his hand.

" oh my god, why are you doing that so aggressively ? " evie questioned, sitting on the counter top as jj rubbed his hands up and down his face causing the cleanser to suds up.

the boy opened his eyes to look at the girl, but immeditaely shut them with a pained look on his face. " it burns " he cried, causing evie to laugh as she turned on the tap. " wash it off, dipshit " she mumbled, pushing jj's head down to the sink as he washed the cleanser off, whining about it burning causing her to roll her eyes playfully.

the catfish and the bottlemen played quietly in the back ground as evie hummed along, handing jj a towel instructing him to softly pat his face dry which he could not do so evie plucked the towel from his hand and done it for him since he was giving her anxiety.

" sit " she spoke, as jj immeditaely sat down on the closed toilet seat looking up at her. jj always reminded evie of a golden retriever, but now more than ever.

the girl turned around and opened a cabinet, and reached up to pull down a bag causing the hoodie she was wearing to ride up her thigh. jj cleared his throat, and looked to the door instead just as evie put down the bag. " what is that " jj questioned, a horrified look on his face as evie pulled out a tweezer. 

" tweezers " she hummed, before standing inbetween jj's legs, one hand on his jaw as she directed his face up towards her. jj's hand came to the indent of her waist, causing the girl to stop for a minute and smile.

" ow ! " jj gasped, pulling away from the girl with his hand on his eyebrow as she plucked one hair away. his mouth was wide open, watching as evie laughed with the medievel torture device between her finger tips. 

" stay still " evie instructer, causing jj to huff as he played with the hem of her hoodie.  evie brought the tweezers to his eyebrow, before pulling a hair out watching as jj shot up from his spot. " i'm bleeding " he stated, looking like he was about to cry as he glanced in the mirror, evie pressed up against the counter infront of him.

" your not bleeding, j " she laughed, feeling his body press up against her as he got closer to the mirror, infact seeing he was not bleeding.

he looked at evelyn, noticing how close the two were as he glanced down at her lips. his hand ran up the side of her thigh as he began to lean in.


" evie" jj mumbled, his voice muffled by the duvet as he laid face down on the bed. " evie " he repeated, dragging her name out as he hit the side of the bed with his hand, gesturing for the girl to come back.

" what? what do you want " evie replied sharply, holding her clothes in her arms. she was stressed. she couldn't find her underwear, john b wasn't replying to her messages and she had love bites all along her neck due to the blonde blood-sucking leech in the bed on top of that she was late for work.

" the other evie. the nice one "  he grumbled, turning his face to the side to see evie. the blanket covering his bottom half leaving his toned back on show, while evie looked around the room in a panic.

his shirt came to her mid thigh, inching it's way up whenever she moved. the brunette bent down moving jj's shorts out of the way, and and as she did her lacy underwear fell from the pocket. evie's head shot up with a deadpan look, shaking her head exasperdatedly as jj grinned, a cheeky smile on his lips knowing he had been caught.

" seriously ? " she questioned, slipping them back on before she pushed her hair out of her face, blowing the air out of her cheeks. jj reluctantly rolled out of bed, sitting up at the edge of the bed as evie got changed into her island club uniform.

she pulled of jj's shirt, before throwing it at his face before she put her bra and polo shirt on. jj pulled the top of his face just in time to see evie zipping up the side of her tennis skirt.

jj stood up, his arms coming around her waist as he began peppering kissed along her shoulder.  " jj, i'm late for work! " evie huffed, pushing the blonde back causing him to plop down on the bed rather dramatically.

she frantically pulled her hair down from the bun that resided on the top of her head in a atttempt to cover the hickeys. her eyes scanned the room for concealer, and jj watched as she picked it up and immediately started rubbing it into her neck. " and you said i was aggressive " he murmured, causing evie to pick up the nearest hairbrush and throw it at his face. " ow ! " he exclaimed.

" oh, stop being so dramatic " she muttured, putting down the concealer as she sat down on the floor to slip on her converse.

evie stood up,quickly pressing a kiss to the blonde's lips before she practically ran out of the chateau.

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