the hawks nest

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" help " screamed a familiar voice, causing evie's head to shoot up. " is that sarah? " evie questioned in a panic, and quickly slipped on her heels and followed after pope, kiara and jj who already left since she couldn't walk around the hawks nest barefoot. 

" what the fuck " muttured evelyn, catching up to the group who were running ahed, which was hard to do since she was in 6inch stilettos, which made her feel like a totally awesome stripper by the way. 

"it's okay, it's okay i'm with you " repeated sarah, hunched over john b who was on the ground at an awkward angle. " sarah! what happened " pope yelled, approaching the two. when evie looked at john b, she gasped and stepped back looking at her best friend. 

" topper, he- he shoved him " sarah sobbed, looking up at jj with teary eyes who's jaw clenched. " i'll kill him " he muttured, spinning on his heel to walk away but stopped when pope nudged him in the ribs motioning towards the three crying girls.

" john b ? " she questioned, dropping to her knees across from sarah. her eyes began to pool with tears, in fear while sarah begged for them to call for help. evie took her left hand and slapped john b across the face in hopes to wake him up. " evie! " cursed kiara,  as pope checked for a pulse. 

" he has no pulse " pope panicked as kiara dialled the number. evie's hands were shaking as she pulled her knees up to her chest, staring at john b's unconscious figure. his neck lay at a awkward angle, while his body remained perfectly still. 

kiara and sarah were sobbing, while evie began to hyperventilate holding onto john b's hand so tight she was convinced she broke it. " john b, wake up " she demanded, trying to catch her breath as her body was shaking, and the fact she forgot to take her iron pills that morning black dots were crowding her vision, 

" wake up " she screamed. " jj, get her out of here " pope demanded, as he was trying to help john b but evie was in the way. jj came up behind the girl, wrapping his arm around her waist and gently pulling her away. "no-no, jj put me down ! " she yelled, thrashing around in his arms as she retreated further and further away from the rest. 

" jj, please " she begged, causing jj's heart to flood with guilt. " no can do, princess. i'm sorry " he murmured. 


jj drove evie home after the whole thing with john b. when they got in, ledger sat on the couch with a glass of whiskey in his hand as jenny lay asleep in their room. he took one look at evie, and nodded towards jj signalling for him to take her to her bedroom. jj didn't know whether to be happy evie had stopped crying, or worried that she hadn't said one word.

kiara called earlier and said that john b was okay, and had a concussion, broken arm and fractured hand which may or may not have been evie's fault, but jj didn't mention the last part to her not wanting to make her feel guilty, which he knew she did a lot. 

evie didn't  bother changing, but instead crawled into her bed with her back towards jj. the blonde looked at her figure, and took of his bow tie before sitting in the bed beside her. he gently put his hand onto her arm and pulled her into his chest, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. evie looked up at him, jj putting his thumb and index finger on her chin connecting their lips. 

the girl pulled away after a few seconds, resting her head back on his chest as his thumb rubbed patterns into her hip.  after an hour, evie was fast asleep still in her silk dress, jj's arms wrapped around her so tight they went numb a while ago, but he didn't want to move. if he could stay in that position forever he would.

a knock on the door snapped jj out of his daydream, the blonde humming signalling for whoever was at the door to enter. ledger opened the door, and rested against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at his daughter. 

" i was just leaving " murmured jj, sitting up slightly put stopped when ledger raised his hand in a 'stop' motion. " it's okay, let her sleep " he assured to which the blonde nodded, returning to the same position as earlier. 

ledger sat down at the edge of evie's bed, and petted socks' head who was fast asleep on the end on evie's bed. " what happened tonight? " ledger asked softly, causing jj to gulp wondering whether to fill the man in. 

" topper pushed john b from the hawks nest, he's in the hospital on the mainland " jj explained, causing ledger's eyes to widen. " is he okay? " ledger questioned. " is someone with him? wont dcs find out? " ledger spoke, worried for the boy he saw as a son.  big john wasn't the best father, so ledger took john b under his wing and practically raised him.

" sarah, i think. he broke his arm and has a concussion and i don't know about dcs " jj answered his questions, stroking evie's hair as he spoke. " did they catch topper " jj shook his head no. 

" no one ever believes the kids from the cut" he scoffed, in a quiet tone not wanting to wake evie. ledger nodded, planning to go visit john b at the hospital in the morning before getting up from his spot. " your good for her " ledger hummed, causing jj's head to shoot up. 

" what-no, we are not " jj stuttured, while ledger motioned to the position his daughter and jj were in causing a light shade of pink to spread across jj' s cheeks as ledger tapped the side of his nose. " i know everything "

A/N - this is just a filler chapter and lowkey adorable, also pls comment and tell me whether the whole thing about bryce and jj should come out while kiara and sarah are arguing - sarah would tell the group( Will probs go with this one, more drama )


evie tells jj after the whole hot tub scene

leave your opinions pls !!!!!!!

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