california gurls

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" alright jj, pin it here "  yelled john b from the bow of the boat as the group sat in heyward's boat off the continental shelf where the wreck of the royal merchant was supposed to be. evie sat with kiara while she braided her hair, what happened earlier playing in her mind.

evie woke up alone in her bed, and after meeting up with the pogues jj didn't look at her once which seriosuly pissed her off. " eves, you okay ? " asked kiara, breaking the girl out of her thoughts drawing jj's attention.

he watched intently as the frown fell from evie's face before she muttured a yeah, attempting to sound like she was sure, but failed miserably.
jj glanced down at the floor, guilt swarming his chest but he cleared his throat and pulled his attention back to john b.

john b looked over at evie and his eyes widened at the look on her face. she looked as if she were about to drop kick someone or throw john b from the boat, and john b was scared for whoever she was thinking for. john b would have asked but he was genuinely scared that evie might bite his head off if he tried.

" ladies and gents, to going full kook " he stated, before dropping the drone into the water. kiara stood up from her spot behind evie and began feeding the tether into the water leaving evie on her own. evie blew the air from her cheeks before pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and placed it between her lips before fishing a lighter from her bra and lighting it.

" all right jj, we're right over it. ten seconds northwest " spoke john b, looking intently at the ipad in his grip which showed a map of the continental shelf. jj repeated his words, before turning he steering wheel very fast which caused evie to almost fall from the side of the boat, which pissed her off even more.

" jj that's east, eves help him please " john b begged, looking at the blonde with a deadpan look while evie groaned, throwing her head back before putting out her cigarette on the side of the boat and making her way to the steering wheel.

jj didn't even bother looking at the girl but instead moved out of her way, with his chin resting on his hand causing evie to scoff as she shook her head at his immaturity.

" and to quote the hobbit, down, down to goblin town. down, down you go my lad " pope quoted, causing a laugh to fall from evie's lips as in this moment all pope could think about was the hobbit. " you go, pope " she encouraged, shimmying her shoulders causing the boy to smile and wink at her, while evie returned the gesture.

" the tides turning " evie stated, looking out at the ocean as the sky thundered

" hey, evie ? " john b called out, causing the brunette to hum in reply. " ten seconds, east " evie nodded, before attempting to turn the steering wheel but since heyward's boat was massive, she couldn't from the weight of it.

" here " jj spoke softly, standing behind her and putting his around her and placed his hands onto the steering wheel on top of evie as he turned the boat with ease. evie just ducked under his arm and moved away, obviously still pissed at the blonde and stood against the side of the boat with her arms wrapped around herself since it was getting noticeably colder.

john b witnessed the interaction and furrowed his eyebrows at why evie and jj were acting so weird. they were usually flirting, or smoking but now they practically refused to look at eachother in the eye.

" keep the the tether out of the prop " yelled pope, while kie replied back frustrated that she was trying causing evie to stand next to her and help since she didn not want to be in such close proximity to jj. " 700 feet " evie stated, marking the side of the boat while the waves became very choppy, and a cloud bore above them.

" jj, we are gonna turtle in this storm man " panicked pope, causing evie to whine. " don't say that ! " evie cried, goose bumps all over her arms now as her teeth began chittering.

" 920 ! "

" john b, theres to much current we are gonna lose it ! " grunted kiara, pulling on the tether as she bumped arms with evie. " jesus christ, evie your freezing " kiara spoke, as evie nodded her head to say yes. " go find a sweatshirt. i got this " kiara reassured, to which evie nodded before making her way back to the steering wheel since that's where all their stuff was.

evie looked along the floor, her arms still wrapped tightly around her since it felt like Antarctica out here. jj noticed, and began to take of his sweatshirt before holding out to the girl. evie looked between him and the grey sweatshirt, and nudged his hand away still looking for another. " evie, take it " jj spoke, pushing it towards the girl once more.

" no , jj. it's fine " she lied, but the blonde's patience was running out. " evie take the damn sweatshirt " he stated, causing evie's eyes to widen before she took it from his hands, muttering a small thank you.

" it's the royal merchant " john b gasped in disbelief, causing evie's head to shoot up. " no fucking way "she murmured hip bumping john b to move him out the way so she could look herself. evie didn't actually believe the group would find the merchant, she just didn't want to burst john b's bubble.


" it's not there, just pull the drone up " john b sighed, pushing off the railing of the boat in frustration. " look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery " pope tried. evie said nothing, instead rested her head om john b's shoulder to let him know she was there causing him to send her a grateful smile.

kiara and jj began bickering, while evie kept her eyes trained on john b." the gold could be buried, we don't know " kiara reasoned, practically yelling at jj.

" if it was there, it would've been found on the gold detector " john b yelled, his voce breaking towards the end. " somebody beat us to it "

" or it was never there " murmured jj.

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