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jay u okay eves ?

evie im fine broski

jay facetime me

evie and see ur ugly face ? yeah no

jay remind me why we are friends

evie because i'm the only
one that can keep your
ego in check

jay suck a dick

evie i'm trying too but he wont
text me back

jay what
jay who ?

evie chill i'm kidding

jay oh.

evie 🖇️

jay wtf

evie thats us
evie we are paperclips

jay oh ok
jay how come youve
been abnormally nice
to me lately

evie what do u mean

jay ur being nicer than usual

evie i'll punch u in the
face if u want

jay you aren't tall enough

evie you've sunk low enough
for me to reach

jay shut up

evie i'm waiting for the oven to
heat up so i can make nuggets

jay get inside you'll toast
it nice and warm

evie did you just tell me to kill myself

jay what no
jay i tried to be smooth and failed

evie waaaaw jj i see how it is.
evie ya want some nugs ?

jay putting my shoes on rn

" IT'S OPEN " YELLED EVIE, from her spot in the kitchen as she scrolled through instagram, her chin resting on her waterbottle. kiara had been blowing up her phone, to which evie had not responded while pope just sent her a message making sure she was okay.

" hi- fuck " cursed jj, immeditately tripping over evie's converse as he came in the door, causing the girl to start cackling as socks came up to lick his face. " god, that was a right knee slapper " evie laughed, taking a drink from her waterbottle while jj pouted like a little kid. he was happy to see her smiling, and acting like herself so he decided not to bring the whole ordeal up.

" wheres ledger ? " asked jj, sitting in the seat opposite evelyn and snatching her waterbottle to take a sip causing her to glare at him.

" the shop on the mainland, and mateo's at his friends " evie told him, her eyes glued to her phone but looked up when she felt something hit against her forehead. her head shot up, to see jj smirking with another grape in his hand before he threw it in her direction, it just missing the girl who practically fell out of her chair in an attempt to dodge it.

" oh your on, bigfoot " evie shook her head, before standing up and leaning over the table to get some grapes from the middle, before launching them at jj who succesfully doged every single one.

the room filled with laughter, as the two were throwing grapes at one another running around the kitchen but it came to a stop as jj caught up to evie, his arms wrapping around her waist with his front pressed against her back .

evie let out a content sigh, before she turned around to face jj, his hands moving down to her hips as his eyes flickered between her lips. jj began to lean forward, but the girl jumped away when the timer for her nuggets went off, scaring her.

she quickly pulled away from jj and cleared her throat, watching as the blonde rubbed the back of his neck awakedly as she reached for her phone.

" so i've been thinking " began jj, looking at evie who put a mitt over her hand before taking the nuggets out the oven. " that's new " desdpanned evie, placing the tray down onto a cooling racl with a smile on her face. jj rolled his eyes playfully at the girl, before continung to speak.

" we haven't had a chill boat day in a while, you know? smoke some weed, catch some drum. marley playing " jj listed, as evie got out a plate and scooped chicken nuggets up into it.

" i mean yeah, we have been caught up in this gold pish " she shrugged, placing one plate down infront of jj.

" thank you, but tommorow we should go to the marsh. me, you , the pogues. just like old times" he grinned, and watched as evie hesistated, the smile dissapearing from her face for a split second, before it came back. but it was to late, jj had noticed.

" hm, yeah" evie cleared her throat, looking down at her plate and picking up a chicken nugget . jj looked up at her, concern lacing his features.

" we can talk about, it, if you want " he mumbled, studying her reaction. she took a deep breath,  her hand reaching up to play with her earring, which again jj noticed.

" there's nothing to talk about. i'm fine " she dissmissed, shaking her head lightly. " evie, i can see you're clearly not okay. " jj shot back, but kept his tone soft not wanting the girl to think he was mad at her or anyhting because he knew she tended to overthink.

" then stop looking " shrugged evelyn, her eyes never meeting the blonde's once as she went to tie her hair up, but cursed under her breath when she didn't have a hair tie. " here " jj mumbled, taking the one off his wrist and sliding it across the table to the brunette.

she looked between the hairtie, and jj with a small smile and watching as the blonde looked at her with confusion . " what? " he questioned, cocking his head to the side.

" you always forget yours " he spoke, causing the girl to jut out her bottom lip as she began tying her hair up. " your so cute " she smiled, causing a light blush to coat jj's cheeks but he shook his head to hide the smile that was coming.

A/N i'm so sorry its so short, the next chapters gonna be a looooooong one x

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