popesicles not cool

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" evie " called out jenny, knocking on the teenagers bedroom door causing her to hum in reply. jenny opened the door, and stepped into the room wearing a baby pink dress, her blonde hair pinned back into a bun with chandelier earrings clinging to her earlobes.  jenny gasped once she saw evie causing the brunette's eyes to widen.

" what? whats wrong " evie questioned, now in a panic as she put down the curling iron having just finished her hair. " you look beautiful " jenny spoke, coming up behind the brunette with a huge smile on her face. " thank you " evie replied, looking up at the women.

" i know just what you need " jenny hummed, taking a red lipstick out from her clutch. her hand came under evie's chin as she as she applied the lipstick. " now, we need to go. got to get there before the cameron's do "

( what evie looked like, cindys so hot omg )-

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( what evie looked like, cindys so hot omg )

evie was absolutely fucking shitting herself. first of, she was going to kook central and second of these heels were really hurting her feet but she hadn't heard from jj since he was arrested, and bryce was bound to be at midsummers which only added to her anxiety. so, she done the most logical thing. got fucking pished.

" you ever seen this many kooks in one place? " kiara asked as her and pope stood at the heyward stand looking around the club when their eyes fell on evie stumbling towards them.

" holy shit kie, you look hot? " evie slurred, as she basically fell into the girls arms pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek. " pope, looking stunning as always " she complimented, with a wink making the two laugh.

" christ, e how much have you had to drink? " kiara asked as she got the whiff of alchahol from the girl, but evie's eyes were trained on bryce walkers making his entrance alongside his mum savannah, dad michael and little brother jonathan.

" not enough clearly " she murmured, and turned away from everyone and took the flask from her bra and took a swig. " o-kay, that's enough for you " pope stuttered, taking the flask from her lips.

" hey, popesicle. not cool " she whined, fixing the front of her dress so her boobs didn't fall out.  " have you heard from jj " kiara asked the brunette, since if jj would reach out to anyone it would be evie.

" no " she huffed, looking at the dancefloor to see jenny and mateo dancing causing a drunken smile to play on her features.

" topper almost killed you, remember? and bryce done god knows what to evie "kiara spoke, whispering the last part so the girl who was currently counting her fingers wouldn't hear. " hey, you guys i think i'm missing a finger " evie called out and began looking at the floor for her missing finger. pope and kiara shared a look, but once they turned back evie was already gone.


" yo, evie " called out a voice as evie was wandering through the island club causing her to spin on her heel. through her blurred vision she saw bryce, kelce, topper and rafe.  "no, no, no " evie repeated, attempting to walk away but was stopped by bryce wrapping his arm around her waist, his grip so tight it was bound to leave bruises.

" let go of me, bryce " evie stuttered in her drunken state, while topper and rafe simply laughed. the two didn't have a clue what happened between bryce and evie, what bryce had done to the brunette and most likely loads of other girls.

" hows your boy, jj " rafe taunted, towering over the girl threatingly while bryce pulled her into his chest. " bryce, let me go! " she yelled as her breathing sped up so she began clawing at his hand to get him off.

jj who was sent to go get another of whiskey heard the yelling, and turned a corner to see all four boys yelling at evie who was sobbing in bryce's arms still trying to get him away from her.

" bryce, please " she cried. jj stormed up and punched bryce square in the face, furious. all he could see was red. they had hurt evie, his evie. and he wasn't going to let that go.

topper lunged for jj, but the blonde ducked just in time to gently move evie out of the way before turning back around just as rafe hit him in the jaw.  kelce wrapped his arm around jj's neck while rafe stood infront of him tauntingly.

" jj" evie yelled, the alchahol still flowing through her system as she watched the scene infront of her. " hold him still. what- what do you think? a four iron, right " rafe taunted, pretending to have a gold club in his hands.

" keep his head still, ima line this up " rafe continued as evie slipped off her stiletto. she contemplated for a moment, looking between the stiletto and rafe and decided on wacking him off the head with it, which she did. evie gasped and dropped the stiletto, proud and slightly scared of herself just as rafe wrapped his arms around her before throwing her to the ground.

" evie " jj boomed, fighting against kelce's grip even more now as he watched bryce begin to get on top of the brunette, screams ripping from her throat.

"gentlemen " spoke up a voice, causing bryce to get off evie and kelce to throw jj to the side. " is there a problem? " he questioned, watching as evie quickly moved back on the floor against the wall, her breathing rapid as she wiped her tear stained cheeks.

" pardon me, officer. no, there's not an issue " jj began, looking over at evie who's eye didn't meet his. " actually, yes. no, there is an issue. uh, we got a criminal trespass in progress here,beep! call it in right " jj explained, as he made his way over to evie and crouched down infront of her.

"uh, me and the lady. blatant disrespect for private property " he continued, and reached out for the brunette, watching as she shook her head rapidly and pushed him away.  " please, don't " she whispered, her voice hoarse as she slowly stood up by herself. evie wobbled slightly, but jj reached out and placed his hands on her waist to steady her.

" you should escort me out of here " jj blabbed, holding his wrists up as if he were actually about to be arrested.  the security guard thankfully listened, and began to pull jj away. " woah, hey not without the lady " jj finished, reaching his handout for evie who accepted and let jj lead her out.

" you power puffs have fun " jj taunted as him and evie were about to walk out the door.

" yo, evie. you look pretty hot for a pogue! " rafe yelled, causing jj to break free from the security guard and lunge for rafe, but the man caught him just in time.

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