peices of the puzzle

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" how-" kiara began, glancing up at the ground to look at sarah. john b had left to go talk to evie not long ago, and not a singular word was shared between the remaining pogues and the blonde since.

" how did you find her " kiara asked, her voice barely above a whisper. sarah looked between kiara and jj, who's leg was bouncing up and down anxiously as he subconciously toyed with the bracelet on his wrist that evelyn gave him.

sarah looked at jj, almost as if she were asking him for permission to tell the story, even though he didn't know what it was yet. jj nodded, rubbing his hand along his chin as he waited for the blonde to speak.

" it was her moms death anniversary. i- i think you were all busy, she called me and told me she didn't want to be alone. so, i took her with me to a party on figure eight. it was stupid, i know. i should have stayed in with her " sarah began explaing, her eyes glued to the ground as she recalled that horrible night. guilt swarmed in her chest, knowing that if she never took her to figure eight none of it would have happened.

" we were together for most of the night, i swear. but then i left with topper, and she looked cosy with bryce. i thought i saw him slip something in her drink but topper told me i was crazy " sarah continued, jj's head shooting up at her words.

the blonde's eyes narrowed towards the kook princess, who looked as if she were about to cry.

" you saw him slip her something and didn't say anything ? " he questioned, his jaw clenched as he looked at the blonde, who had guilt written from head to toe. the blonde gulped, rubbing her hands together to soothe her anxiety.

she felt ganged up on. but rightfully so, she had left bryce with evie. sarah knew it was wrong, so she didn't blame the pogues for how they were acting but it still hurt.

" i've known bryce my whole life i never thought he would do something like that " sarah argued. bryce was like a second brother to her, he practically grew up with the camerons, staying over whenever his parents fought. he joined in on family game nights, attended midsummers with the camerons most years and became a second son to ward therefore becoming a brother to sarah, who had nothing but admiration for him.

" but he did " pope interjected, keeping his voice steady to try and keep it from wavering.  sarah ignored him, and continued talking knowing that if she stopped she would start crying.

" i came back from being with topper, and as i walked by one of the bedrooms i could hear a girls screams. they were muffled, but they were their. i opened the door, and bryce was on top of evie and he- god, i don't want to think about that ever again " she stopped and took a deep breath, quickly glancing away from jj's harsh gaze.

" topper carried her back to my car and i took her to tannyhill. she woke up once we got in, but she was shaking like crazy and her pupils were blown" sarah continued, watching as jj stood up and began pacing the porch. back and forth, back and forth. his hands behind his neck and his chest rose and fell unsteadily. it seemed like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how.

" i put her in the shower, and i left for two minutes to go get a towel but i came back and she was bleeding. all over. she just kept repeating get him off, and she was scrubbing her skin so much it was red and raw. i washed the blood off, bandaged her up" sarah mumbled, looking around to hide the tears in her eyes at the memory. pope's leg bounced up and down as he thought about evie, everything finally clicking.
the panic attacks, how she had been acting strange- it all made sense now.

" we had xanax in the house, so i gave her some for her panic attacks and clothes to change, and she fell asleep in my bed. i went to sleep in the other room but she wouldn't let me. she didn't want to be alone. so i stayed. whatever he gave her, it was strong. it knocked her out for sixteen hours. and the next morning she was gone when i woke up " sarah finished, clearing her throat as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist watching as john b began walking back to the chateau,alone.

" you- " jj began to yell, but quickly stopped himself knowing himself that sarah wasn't the one to blame. he was mad at himself, for not realising. for not making evie feel like she could tell him anything, for not being there for her as she was for him everytime he showed up at her house with bruises.

" you knew about this, for months. and you never told us ? " he questioned, his voice firm as he refused to look at sarah just as john b came up the poarch steps.

" she made me pinky promise " sarah mumbled,realising how stupid it sounded but she also knew how much they meant to the brunette.

" that's not a secret you keep, sarah " snapped john b, picking up evelyn's car keys from beside kiara before storming away again. jj picked up an empty beer bottle, and threw it against the wall furthest away from everyone watching as it shattered on the floor.

" jj, stop it " shot kiara, her head snapping up from her hands and pope's thumb soothingly rubbed circles into her shoulder.

" i'm gonna go " mumbled sarah, standing up and patting down her denim shorts as she looked between everyone. " i'm sorry "

A/N - it's short i know, but i havent updated in a while because so much has happened but here ya go chickens x

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