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evelyn swam through the murky water, squinting her eyes in an attempt to see the boat. john b was the first to reach it. he turned to the pogues with his eyes wide before pushing off the hood of the boat, back to the surface.evie stayed down a bit longer looking at the boat, but was pulled back up by jj.

" you guys saw that? right? " jj gasped in shock, with a wide smile on his face.

" yeah " evie laughed, pushing the wet hair off her face. everyone began laughing as jj cheered about the boat being a grady white." a new one of those is like 500'gs easy " jj explained as they began to swim back to the boat. a small smile appeared on evie's face as she saw the way jj lit up talking about the boat.

" that's a primo rig " jj spoke , hauling himself onto the boat. he turned to reach his hand out to evelyn, but saw she was already beside him ringing out her hair.

" yeah. that's the boat me and evie saw when we surfed the surge " john b stated and evelyn turned to him with a dead pan look.

" maybe it hit the jetty or something ? " he reasoned , while evelyn groaned. kie was going to go off her nut.

" you surfed the surge ? " kiara questioned evelyn in a stern voice. evelyn smiled innocently before slapping the back of john b's head.

" way to go, fabio " she murmured.

" that's my boy, pogue style " jj grinned, doing the pogue handshake with john b before turning to evie and doing the same, a proud smile on his face.

" what the hell ? " kie jeered, unimpressed with the pair's behaviour. evie and john b acted like siblings, but they practically were. ledger and big john were best friends, causing evie and jb to grow up together, so it was no secret the pair were the closest out of the group.

" wait, wait. do we know who's boat that is " pope asked and the pogues shrugged there shoulders.

" who the hell takes a grady white out during a storm ? " evie pondered , her eyebrows furrowing a she picked up a towel of the floor of the boat wrapping it around herself. jj laughed at her action causing her to stick out her tongue. it always amazed jj the fact that it would be 30 degrees outside and evelyn would still be cold.

" no , but we are about to find out " john b smirked , pulling out the anchor from the compartment at the bow of the boat.

" no way, it's too deep " jj pressed, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at the water with a unreadable look.

" oh for the weak and feeble , jj " evelyn grinned causing john b to look up at her with his brows furrowed.

" what? you think i was going to let you go on your own ? " evie questioned, dropping the towel from her shoulders and standing next to john b.

" nuh uh. no chance " jj abruptly spoke causing kie to shoot him a look to which he shook his head.

" it does make more sense for two to go " pope remarked causing evie to smile at him.

" thank you, pope "evie beamed , knowing jj had been outvoted. jj clenched his jaw and glanced up at evie who was too busy throwing the anchor to notice his stare, but kie did.

" well i'm not resuscitating you. i'm just making that clear upfront " remarked jj , speaking directly to john b before glancing back over to evie.
" you on the other hand " jj smirked causing her to roll her eyes.

" in your dreams , romeo " she laughed , pushing the rope from the anchor into his chest and standing next to john b.

" evie " kiara frowned in worry, not liking the idea at all causing evie to kiss the brunette on the cheek.
" i'll be fine, kie " she reassured with a soft smile.

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