27 ☠️

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"Are you f*cking kidding me," Changbin groaned from the back. "I told you guys we should have moved earlier! Now it's not only closer already, but upgraded too, whatever the f*ck that's supposed to me. I rolled my eyes, also annoyed for sure. It wasn't Chan's fault, he couldn't have known, but it for sure sucked. If the storm wasn't already bad enough before, it definitely was now, meaning we'd probably have even less time to figure it all out. Great. Just great.

My eyes shot back to the guy before me, seeing a quick grin quickly being hidden away, once more concealed with a blank face. What kind of bastard does he think he is? He thought it was funny that we're going to have less chance of survival? How sick could you be? If it wasn't for Felix holding onto me just a little tighter, I probably would have either hit him in the face, or completely cursed him already. Would it be smart? No, we probably need him, but that didn't make him any less of an asshole I so desperately wanted to punch in the face.

"Don't move yet guys, for all we know there are more of them hidden here," Chan called out, everyone quick to listen to him. "Hey, you," I called out to the guy, making eye contact. "Y/N, what are you doing?" Hyunjin hissed. "You're one of the clues to get out of here aren't you?" I continued, getting more and more annoyed at his face. "If you were going to ambush or kill us, you would have done so already. Nothing changed with you either when we got closer, or now that I'm talking to you, so either you spit it out how we get out of here, or you won't like what is about to happen next," I threatened. Would I really hurt him? I want to so badly, but no. Still, that doesn't mean threatening him won't work.

But still, he didn't move a muscle. Not even the grin reappeared from just now. He just stood there in silence, watching us. "Y/N, shut up," Hyunjin hissed again, trying to quiet me down. "You're not helping," he added, angrily whispering. Did they not see the grin or something, or were they all way too good at keeping their cool? "Come on, there has to be a clue here somewhere, right? There's no way this is just a decoy," I answered him. I know I was going to step back, but why wasn't anyone else doing something? The clock was ticking, especially now!

"I think the clue might be in the stone table," Seungmin observed. "Look, there's some sort of hole in the middle of it. It might be a mechanism." I stood on one leg, trying my best to look past the other six guys in front of me to see what he was talking about. "Here, let me," Felix whispered, getting a better grip on my waist to lift me up, indeed now giving me the clear vision of the table I needed to see the hole Seungmin was talking about. Felix soon put me down again, his grip now loosening to only lightly touch my waist, just like before.

"You think we have to find something that fits in there?" Jeongin asked for confirmation, making Seungmin nod. "Seems like it at least. I think we might be able to get a clue from it then. No clue what this guy is here for, but there's got to be something he's here for, so for now let's not do anything to get closer or annoy him." Was that to me personally? Probably. But was he right? Again, probably, which somehow was even more annoying. I knew Seungmin didn't mean it to be patronizing, from what I had learned yesterday he wasn't that type of guy, but it still felt irritating.

"So what now? We just try to fill up that hole with sand?" I asked, maybe sounding a little more agitated towards him than I meant to. "I don't think that'll do, but it's at least worth a shot," Seungmin responded again, all eyes on Chan now, who was up front, and probably the only one who might be able to reach the table. Still, it seemed too far away to easily reach it, and judging from Chan's behavior he didn't seem to like the idea of moving even more further.

"Do you think you can reach it?" Changbin asked him, but Chan already shook his head. "Not from here. Maybe If I leaned all the way forward, but I don't want to lift the weight off this plate right now in case things get even worse." We all paused for a second, trying to figure out anything at all that could help. "Wait, Chan, do you know which foot is on the pressure plate?" Hyunjin asked suddenly. "I think it's my left. Why? You got anything?" Hyunjin looked around, his eyes landing on Jisung. "Jisung, you're probably the lightest out of all of us. I need you to stand on Chan's right foot. Chan, you hold onto him tightly so that Jisung can lean all the way forward to try."

With an uncomfortable look, Jisung did as told, Chan holding onto him tightly, luckily with no other complications. Jisung started leaning forward, just barely reaching the table. "I think it might work," he answered, leaning back to collect sand. Minho now took Jisung's place, holding onto Chan to stabilize him, all of us now moving slightly forward. Jisung once more leaned forward, his hands now filled with sand. He suddenly let out a small yelp, dropping the sand as he put his hands out to the table to catch himself from falling. "Careful Jisung. Move slowly," Minho told him calmly as Chan pulled Jisung back to try once more, this time succeeding, but no matter how much sand we put in, it had no avail. Jisung was slowly helped back to his original spot, while we all stood with a sense of discomfort.

How were we supposed to get this activated?

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