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"Y/n, I can handle this." Learco placed a hand on his hip as he blocked your way to the kitchen. "I promise."

"Are you sure?" You asked worriedly. This was one disagreement you did not imagine having today. "Maybe I could just-" You tried sidestepping the boy.

"Jojo! Don't you dare!" Learco once again moved so you couldn't get past him. "I've watched you train new employees before. Let me handle this."

"But-!" You sputtered.

"Go Home." Learco deadpanned, crossing his arms. "You haven't taken a day off in weeks." You opened your mouth to make a retort only to receive a pointed glare from your friend. Eventually you closed your mouth and gave an exasperated sigh. There was no point in arguing. Learco was the type to stand his ground no matter what, especially when it came to forcing you to take a break from being a manager for a little while.

"Ya'know you shouldn't talk to your boss that way Martez." You smiled and shook your head.

"Funny, I could have sworn that was why you keep me around." Learco grinned. "To keep you on your toes. Now go home, take it easy. I can handle training today."

"Okay then..." You turned and walked toward the door but quickly turned back to Learco. "Oh! Need help with studying for that test we have Monday-" Before you could finish Learco gave you a warning look.

"If I do, you'll be the first to know." Learco replied, before shooing you out of the bakery. You bid the boy a reluctant goodbye and made your way outside.

It was Friday, March 3 of 1999. Life had become its own brand of normal over the past year. You would wake up, go to school, take some time to work at the bakery, and then head home. Nothing exciting had happened in some time, and you couldn't be more thankful.

As you gradually made your way down the street homebound, you started wondering what exactly you were supposed to do with your newfound free time. Learco was right, you hadn't taken a day off in a long time, but you also loved working at the bakery. It helped keep your mind off of...

You shook your head, clearing your mind of the dark thoughts creeping at the edges of your memories.

Hanging out with Tim or Jaya was off the table. The both of them were on an overnight school fieldtrip for their science class. Learco was obviously preoccupied, and you quickly remembered Vita was at his blood treatment at the hospital.

You sighed, opening the door to your family's apartment building. Looked like you were spending the afternoon all on your lonesome. What did you even do for fun before you started hanging out with the other four teens? You suddenly remembered the volume of Pink Dark Boy that had been sitting on your nightstand untouched for a week now. Vita was probably wondering when you would finish it.

You smiled, remembering how excited the boy got whenever you finished another section of the manga series. Maybe an afternoon of reading wouldn't be so bad.

Distracted by your wandering thoughts, you didn't notice the pile of boxes sitting in front of your front door before walking right into it. You winced as a sharp pain ran up your foot.

"What the...?" You murmured, examining the boxes. Packages never went straight up to your apartment, there was an entire mailroom downstairs for that. After a moment of shock you got enough sense to knock on the door. You had a key, but the boxes blocked your way to the doorknob. The deadbolt clicked, allowing the door to open revealing an old man you knew and adored. You gave him an amused smile and motioned to the boxes. "Uhhh Mr. Joestar....?"

"Oh wow." Joseph's eyes widened as he examined the boxes flanking his front door. "Sorry about that kiddo." He apologized, awkwardly scratching his head. "Didn't think they'd be delivered like this...Here, let me get those-" The man started wobbling on his cane as he bent down to grab one of the boxes in front of the doorway, but you quickly held a hand out to stop him.

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