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You held the precariously marked map in front of your face before bringing it back down to your side. This was one of the last stops you planned on making, hopefully this one would be the right one. Your grip on the map tightened, crinkling the paper in your hand. After your encounter earlier, you still hadn't cooled off. Noticing your tenseness, Spatula briefly sniffed at your clenched fist, before tentatively licking at it and looking up at you expectantly. Your grip on the paper slowly loosened, you used your free hand to pet the Doberman as you surveyed your surroundings.

During your mystery call with the electricity stand, you had heard some things in the background, chiefly of which, was a train crossing and waves. It took some process of elimination, but there weren't many train crossings near the beach in Morioh. So far, you had visited three, and none of them had phones near them that would connect with the landline system. You were assuming the electric stand needed a direct line to surge the phone in your hotel and make it catch fire. You also heard a store bell or jingle of some sort. None of the other crossings had anything matching what you heard. This was the fourth and final place on your short list.

A warm breeze rushed in from the shore, carrying the smell of salt and fish, as well of the sounds of ever familiar waves. The train crossing you stood in front of was surrounded by a few shops and restaurants, and right by the tracks stood a phone booth. This was the most promising area you had visited.

As you were considering where to go or what to do next, a soft melody started playing in the area. You had to look around before finding the source coming from a speaker in front of one of the stores. It was definitely the same one you had heard, so curiously, you walked toward the store. The building was slightly run down, it was in need of repainting as the blue color was chipping from the weather worn walls. Sitting under a ripped up awning was an old speaker smudged with sand and dirt letting out a crackling jingle that glitched every few notes as it tried feebly to entice customers inside.

You took a step backwards to get a good look at the large sign sitting above the awning. Really, there wasn't a point, you still couldn't read kanji. However, you still tried, squinting at the faded rainbow lettering. It might as well have been a mess of colorful spaghetti masquerading as a Rorschach. The lines and dashes meant something, you knew that, but you had no idea what. After giving up on the sign you did notice something useful. Hanging from the corner of the building next to the sign was a security camera that was thankfully pointed across the street at the phone booth. Maybe this trip wouldn't be a complete bust.

You walked toward the door before stopping suddenly, looking down at Spatula, and then the door. The Doberman looked up at you questioningly. A guilty sigh left your lips as you made a motion for the dog to stay put. You really didn't want to start a fuss, and Spatula was smart, he wouldn't run off without you. The Doberman realized what you wanted, and deflated slightly. His ears dropped as he slowly laid down on the sidewalk, propping his head on his paws.

"Sorry buddy, I'll be right back out, I promise!" You apologized to the dog quickly before swinging the door open and entering. A little bell by the door gave a tinny ring. For a moment you were back at home, walking into the bakery, that bell would announce your arrival and Senora Jones would greet you're your thoughts were cut short as you were hit with the smell of mildew and detergent. It took a moment, but you got over the strong stench and located a desk right in front of the door. Sitting there was a man reading a magazine with his feet propped up on the desk. Behind him was a rack of clothes in bags rotating slowly. So this place was a dry cleaners, good to know. "Excuse me?" You spoke up hesitantly, you still weren't great at speaking Japanese. Sure, you were getting better, but it was different talking to a stranger rather than Josuke or Koichi. The man eventually closed his magazine and looked up to you with disinterest.

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