Hostage at Sun-Mart

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The walk back into town was shorter than you expected, Spatula stayed by your side the whole time, happily trotting along. You weren't entirely sure what to do with him, but you would figure something out eventually.

The two were nearing a busy bus stop and you paused for a moment. You glanced down at the skinny Doberman and sighed. There was no way you'd be able to take the bus with this guy attached to your hip.

Just as you were about to continue moving, something odd caught your eye. Standing by one of the benches, waiting on the bus was a boy. He was wearing a modified high school uniform that looked similar to Josuke's. That alone wouldn't be strange, but it was way too early for the school day to be out. The boy turned his head your way and you felt a vague sense of familiarity upon getting a look at his face.

It took a moment but you were suddenly struck with a memory. The symmetrical scars running across his face, the strange outfit, you had seen them once before albeit briefly. It felt like forever ago, but you suddenly remembered it like it was yesterday. Behind the school by the dumpsters. You were eavesdropping with Tim to a conversation between the Martez brothers before getting chased into the woods. There was one stand user you never saw again after that interaction.

Now you were staring at him at a bus station.

It seemed he noticed you too because a look of recognition crossed his face. He was shocked just long enough for you to start walking toward him.

He ran the second he saw you approach. You had to push some people out of your way as you began sprinting after him.

"Hey! Get back here!" You yelled. Sneakers beat against pavement as you followed the boy.

An angry growl sounded from your side, briefly taring your attention from the chase. Looking down, you found Spatula still following you, only his attention seemed focused on pursuing your target.

The boy darted off into an alleyway and you followed. You managed to grab the back of his jacket, forcing him to trip and fall face-first. After several labored breaths you forced him to roll over, grabbing him by his uniform's collar.

"You! I have a lot of questions for you!"

"Get off me!" He roughly pushed you off. You lost your balance and grip, allowing him to get up and continue running. Before he could get far, Spatula managed to nab the hem of the boy's shirtsleeve. The two struggled against one another, pulling and tugging up and down. The Doberman's angry growls sounded loudly through the alley. The sleeve soon ripped, once again freeing the boy. He took a moment to shove your dog off of himself before turning to you and summoning his stand.

It looked just the same as when you last saw it. You watched as the stand swiped its hand at empty air above it. In the blink of an eye, the stand user seemingly teleported up onto the second story of the nearest building.

The enemy stand quickly vanished from sight.

"Arf!" The now panting Doberman walked up to you, the remains of a shirt sleeve still handing from his mouth. He sat in front of you, tail wagging.

"Good job buddy." You said, patting the dog's head as thanks. "That could have gone better." You groaned. Figures you'd be rusty on fighting stand users. You hung your head for a moment just as your stomach gave an ill-timed growl.

You were tired and thirsty, and based on the panting coming from your companion, so was he.

"We deserve a break." You sighed and exhaustedly picked yourself up off the ground. "I owe you a treat buddy."


"Sun Mart?" You looked up at the shop with a raised brow. It was the only store with English signage you had seen all day. After a moment you shrugged and walked toward the entrance. You paused and looked back at Spatula whom was following you. "Sorry buddy, I'm going to need you to stay out here okay? I'm not sure you're going to be all that welcome in here."

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