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After spending three days hunkered down in the Higashikata home, it was nice to be free. You spent most of the day relaxing, before Jotaro barged into your hotel room. He only took a moment to tell you he was headed out to talk with Josuke, and left before you could tell him Josuke would still be in school around that time.

So, you decided to go out yourself, and meet up with Josuke when he did eventually get out of school.

It was warm, surprisingly so after all the rain from the previous day. You decided not to bring Spatula along. After his little freak out during your last walk, you didn't want to risk him hurting anyone. He'd be fine alone at the hotel for a little bit.

Without the Doberman by your side however, you found yourself in need of some way to burn time. There was still another hour before the final bell would ring. It was while you were making your way to the high school that a department store caught your eye. Without many other options, you decided a few minutes of aimless wandering and admiring furniture displays was better than nothing.

It was while you were combing through a small rack of shirts that someone roughly bumped into your shoulder. The hit was hard enough you wound up stumbling back a bit. After you looked up you were greeted by a familiar light purple suit, attached to a familiar face.

"Apologies, I didn't see you there." The man looked you up and down for a moment. "You aren't hurt are you?"

"Ah!" You felt your mind go a mile a minute. This was awkward. Part of you was really hoping he didn't recognize you from the other day when your ferocious Doberman Pincer tried to pounce on him. "Its fine, no harm done." You said, quickly turning back to the rack, wanting the interaction to be over as soon as possible. Thankfully the man left shortly after that. You felt an inexplainable shiver go down your spine. Even with the hot weather outside, it was like the air around you was ice cold. Now that you had stood closer to him, you couldn't help but notice his was overpowering. Formaldehyde and sanitizer, enough to cover up any other smells in a room.

Even after he left you could still almost taste the chemicals in the back of your throat.

You did your best to brush off the incredibly brief interaction, but the uncomfortable crawling of your skin spoiled your calm mood. It would probably be best for you to head out anyways. There was still more than half an hour left before Josuke would be don't with class, but something whispering in the back of your head was telling you to get out of that department store.

While making your strategic escape from the building, you noticed a fellow customer struggling to reach an item on the top of one of the shelves. You watched the girl with partially dyed pink hair bounce on her tiptoes for a moment before walking over. Not thinking much of it, you grabbed the item she was trying to retrieve and moved to hand it over to her.

"Wait..."Your eyes widened as you finally got a good look at the girl you stopped to help. "Lennia?!" You didn't recognize her before, why would you? Her hair had grown out a bit since the last you saw of her. The electric pink hair dye in her hair had faded, giving way to her natural platinum blonde coming in at the roots. Morioh was across the globe from your hometown where, last you checked, Lennia Heart also lived. What the hell were the chances you would both wind up in the small town at the same exact time?!

The girl's face soon morphed into similar shock as she realized who you were.

"Jojo?! I mean-Y/n..." The girl corrected herself, quickly averting her gaze from you. Suddenly, you found yourself on high alert, looking around carefully for any sort of trap or enemy.

"What are you...doing here?" You asked, regarding the girl skeptically.

"What am I doing here?!" Lennia gasped indignantly. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm dealing with some family business in Morioh. You?" You noticed a definite crease in Lennia's brow as she did everything to avoid making eye contact with you. Lennia's already guilty expression deflated just a bit more.

"This was supposed to be a family trip, but my parents got called away for some business in Tokyo. I'm staying in the family condo until they get back." Lennia nervously bit her lip before taking a beep breath. "I have no idea how long they're going to take. It's been a week already..." She was obviously trying seem calm, but the waver in her voice gave away just how disappointed she was by the turn of events.

"I'm so sorry to hear about that." You replied softly, allowing the battle-ready tenseness in your muscles to relax.

"I'm used to it by now. It's far from the first time." Lennia sighed. "What about you? Enjoying your time in Morioh?"

"Uhhh." You thought about your last few days and shook your head. "I haven't been able to relax much. Heck, the first day I got here I was taken hostage in a robbery." It wasn't until after you casually mentioned this that you realized the absurdity of it all.

"What!? I saw that some guy went crazy and tried to rob a store on the news! Are you okay?"

"I walked out no worse for wear." You shrugged. The two of you went quiet after that, the air becoming dense with awkwardness. There was an obvious elephant in the room that both of you were trying to figure out how to address. It was Lennia who finally spoke up.

"Look Y/n, about the whole stand thing-"

"Stop." You deadpanned. "Don't try to justify yourself. I already know Blake manipulated you, but what you did was inexcusable."

"I- I know." Lennia hugged her arms to her chest tightly. "And, I never got the chance to apologize....Properly anyway." The girl fiddled with the sleeve of her shirt. "I've been seeing a therapist, albeit without my parent's knowledge." The girl finally looked at you directly, eyes swimming with guilt. "I've realized just how awful I was to you, and I've felt terrible about it ever since. I can't expect you to forgive me, but I can promise I've changed."

You stayed quiet for a moment before giving a hesitant nod of acknowledgment.

"Good to know Lennia." You couldn't believe the words that left your mouth. But she did seem genuinely apologetic. If she was getting were willing to give her a second chance. Anyone could change. However, that didn't mean you were going to be letting down your guard around the girl. But with Keicho running around, Morioh was dangerous. After deeply contemplating, you fished into your pocket for your wallet. Taking out a scrap of paper and pen, you scribbled down some information. After finishing, you handed the paper over to Lennia. "This is my hotel number. If you need anything, let me know. I can't imagine it's easy staying home alone."

"Thank you." Lennia slowly took the paper from you, mindful of her movements, almost like she was afraid that going too fast would scare you off. "It was...nice to see you again Y/n."

You gave the girl a simple wave as you finally made your way out of the department store.

Lennia couldn't help watching. It was a habit. She stopped a few seconds after realizing what she was doing. A sad empty feeling started to sink in her stomach. An overwhelming sense of longing pressed into her chest. Her hand traced over your handwriting on the paper you gave her. A blush crept onto her cheeks. Lennia sharply shook her head.

This wasn't right. Unhealthy even. She knew that. Seeing you again reopened wounds she completely forgot about. Usually when she saw you at school you were surrounded by your little friend group. They would usually glare at her before you even noticed she was there. This was the first chance she had at talking to you in forever.

She forgot the way you made her feel. It was intoxicating. And terrifying.

Pierced by a Golden Soul: Diamond is Unbreakable x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now