The True Joestar Curse...Having to Run From Unwanted Admirers

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After your short call with Vita was cut off you once again found yourself sitting outside Budogaoka high school. The low melodic ringing of the bell repeated a few more times before students began poring out of the front doors. Eventually, while walking against the current leaving the building, you found a good place to wait. You walked up to the front gate and watched as streams of students happily walked by. Idle chatter hung pleasantly in the air.

You did your best to mind your own business. Perhaps it was a timely realization but usually when you waited or loitered around school somebody would run into- someone knocked into your leg.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you dumbass?!" The person practically screeched at you.

"Uh?" You had to bow your head down quite a ways before the newcomer finally came into your eyeline. He was about the same height as Koichi, but he seemed a lot less friendly than the boy you met a week ago. He was pale, unhealthily so, with beady eyes that glared up at you in a way that was obviously meant to be intimidating. His school uniform was customized with an unnecessary number of belts that lined the front and also cuffed the sleeves at his wrist. Shaggy and unkept dark brown hair hung just above his shoulders. "Sorry, didn't see you there." You apologized, even if the incident wasn't your fault. The hardcover book now sitting at your feet and the boy's lack of attention to where he was walking was a more likely culprit. However, the guy was already staring you down like he wanted to fight, you didn't want to egg him on.

"Get out of my way!" The boy scowled and made a point of brushing past you with his shoulder as he continued moving. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes and point out he was the one with his nose buried in a book instead of paying attention to where he was going. The unknown student was already a few steps away when you noticed that in his haste he didn't pick up his book.

"Wait, you dropped this." You kneeled down, peeking at the cover as you brought it off the ground. Surprisingly, you recognized the title. "Oh, a Pink Dark Boy fan?"

"Huh?!" The boy's eyes widened as he scrambled back over to retrieve his book. "How did you-?" Red was starting to dust his pale cheeks as he snatched the manga from your grasp. "G-gimme that!"

"I'm a few volumes behind this one. That Rohan Kishibe guy is super talented huh?" You commented. It was true, it took some time, but after some time Vita got you addicted to the series. A friendly smile spread across your face. "I know its hard, but try not to get sucked in while you're commuting, okay?"

The boy look up at you, hugging the book to his chest as a full blush bloomed across his features. All he could think about was how nice you looked when you smiled. It made you look so pretty. And you had an appreciation for a masterpiece like Pink Dark Boy!? Usually, people called him childish for liking manga. What was that accent you had? Japanese rolled off your tongue a bit unnaturally, but it was so exotic! As he examined you a bit closer, he noticed you looked really similar to his favorite side character in the story! The one he even had a body pillow of! Maybe you would....Hazamada shook his head, trying to clear the unholy thoughts from his mind.

You watched with concern and a bit of discomfort as the boy in front of you seemed to buffer. He stood stock still staring at you for a good minute before shaking his head and stomping away in a huff. A little voice in the back of your head was telling you this interaction was familiar. Hopefully this wouldn't bite you in the ass later. But the thought was brushed off as soon as it had appeared. You were about to continue looking for Josuke when you felt a soft hand latch onto your arm.

"Hey it's you!"

You jumped from the startling contact. The hand gripping your arm led to a face you didn't expect to recognize. It was one of the girls that was following Josuke back when you first met the boy. Before you could try slipping away from the girl you noticed several other students headed your way. Well, this was painfully familiar. And here you thought your days of dodging weird admirers would be over after you started dating Jaya. You had absolutely become more aware of the look certain people gave you. Right now you were being ogled as if you were a fresh carcass on the savanna left for the scavengers.

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