Welcome to Morioh Part 2

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"Now we're back in business." The taxi driver fiddled with the dials on his car radio before bringing his attention back to the empty road ahead. "Reception clears up once you're past the signal tower." Somewhat dazed you turned from the window to look upfront at the driver. The man shrank slightly when he noticed your stare in his rearview mirror. "A-anyway, is this your first time visiting Morioh?"

You were about to answer but Jotaro got to it first.

"Yeah." Jotaro answered curtly. "Got anything to share?"

"In terms of recommendations?" The driver hummed for a moment. "The miso marinated beef tongue is really good."

"Anything suspicious? Strange incidents?" Jotaro asked, not seeming interested in any of the small talk the driver was initiating.

"Sorry but no, I don't really know much when it comes to odd ball stuff like that." The driver admitted sheepishly, perhaps intimidated by Jotaro's coldness throughout the ride. "Would you kindly remind me of your destination?" He asked, looking over at Jotaro through the rear-view mirror.

"We're going to the front of the station." Jotaro replied. You cringed at his demeanor. He was just being rude at this point.

"Right." The driver laughed nervously. "Almost there."

Jotaro crossed his legs. Quite the feat given his stature compared to the size of the backseat. You wondered how he managed to fit in the car without brushing his head on the ceiling. He pulled a spirit photo of Angelo from his jacket pocket, glanced it over, and put it back.

"I swear this better not be what I think it is." Jotaro growled.

"Yeah. I hope so too." You replied, then resumed your gazing out the window at the quiet Morioh scenery. Maybe it was the days of travel, but you noticed Jotaro was starting to let his anger and frustration infiltrate his tone and actions. He was usually more reserved than he was acting at the moment.


Your taxi reached the station quickly and you were met with your first real sight of Morioh. At first you trailed behind Jotaro, not really knowing where to walk since you couldn't read any of the signs around you. Jotaro eventually told you to walk next to him as the two of you left the station to start searching for the Higashikata residence.

It didn't take too long for you to start arguing with Jotaro over directions. He had a bad habit of holding maps directly in front of his face and not paying attention to where he was walking. Heck, it was partially why the two of you first met.

Little did you know that you were about to meet one of your many new bizarre friends of that summer. (Actually, he was one of your more normal friends if you thought about it hard enough.)

You were mid way through telling Jotaro you should turn left, when the man took a sudden sharp turn on the sidewalk. This caused a boy passing by to run directly into Jotaro's....

Joestar jewels....

You gave a yelp of surprise as the boy started falling down. Before anything bad could happen, Star Platinum grabbed the boy's school supplies and kept him from hitting the ground.

You badly tried to disguise a laugh as you realized what had just happened.

"I think Jolyne might have been your first and last Kujo." You commented while still trying to act surprised rather than amused by the accident. Jotaro gave you a pointed look before bringing his attention back to the boy he ran into.

"H-huh-?" The boy looked around slightly dazed, quickly examining himself. "But didn't I just-" He murmured to himself. "I thought all my stuff went flying everywhere..." The boy couldn't find a single hair out of place. "What the heck is going on?" He looked over his belongings in bewilderment.

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