The Nijimura Brothers Part: 5

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Late afternoon rays of sunlight filtered into the attic through the skylight, bathing the room in long shadows. You took a seat next to the hysteric Nijimura patriarch as he continued sobbing over the photo in his hands.

"That's right, let it all out." You encouraged gently, patting the man's back, doing your very best to comfort him. Slowly, you turned to Keicho. He was still in a state of shock, the revelation about his father left him speechless. Based on the way Keicho kept the bow and arrow close to his chest, you got the feeling this still wasn't going to be easy.

While you remained sitting with Mr. Nijimura, Josuke stepped up, holding a hand out to Keicho.

"Hand over the bow and arrow. I'm going to destroy them." Josuke kept his hand outstretched and took a step forward. Like clockwork, Keicho staggered back toward the doorway from were he entered. Josuke sighed, putting his hand down. "Running away?"

It appeared Keicho was going to run for it, only for Okuyasu to reveal himself from behind the corner. He took a second to wipe a few dried tears from his cheeks before looking up at his older brother pleadingly.

"Keicho..its time to stop." Okuyasu slowly approached his older brother. "Listen...let's just stop...all of this."

"Okuyasu-!" Keicho turned to his little brother, eyes widened.

"Thought you left." Josuke commented.

You were the only one unsurprised by the boy's sudden appearance. Golden Soul had let you know he was still around, but from the start, you knew he wouldn't just leave.

"Didn't you hear them?" Okuyasu asked his brother softly. "Maybe dad can be cured! Even if we can't fix his body, maybe we can still bring back his memories, help him back into the man he was...." He gently grabbed the bow and tried taking it from Keicho.

"Okuyasu...What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Keicho seethed, pulling the bow back, but Okuyasu's grip on it remained.

"B-bro..." Okuyasu looked at Keicho desperately. "Please..."

"Out of the way! Theres no turning back for me- and nothing can change that. I've killed too many people in this town and across the world in search of stand users." A cold sweat broke out across Keicho's face. "Besides! I don't even see you as my brother anymore! As long as you're not my brother, I won't hesitate to kill you!" Keicho spoke venomous words, but they didn't have any real hatred behind them. You could tell he was lying about not caring.

The Nijimura brothers both kept their grip on the bow, neither wanting to relent. It was while the two were facing off that you noticed something new, a shadow stretching across the floor. A rather humanoid outline. Your gaze shifted upward to the skylight only to meet the gaze of someone else who was watching from the roof. Someone who was watching everything. Someone who you hadn't noticed with Golden Soul, meaning they hadn't been there long.

"Uh...guys?" You called, getting the attention of everyone else. "Aside from your father you have any other family members you haven't told us about?"

Keicho turned toward the skylight with a scowl. The mystery stalker disappeared from the window, you could hear them moving around more on the roof.

"Other family?" Okuyasu asked before shaking his head. "No. There's just the three of us." He looked around in confusion and took a step back toward the door behind him.

You were wondering what the hell was going on when something fizzled. All eyes in the room turned to the electrical socket by Okuyasu's feet. Sparks popped and crackled as they flew from the wall. The air filled with static as the outlet kept sparking. In a flash of light, a figure made up of electricity sprang up from the wall. You could only guess it was a stand, what else could it be?

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