The Lock Part: 2

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"Okay that's enough!" You yelled, approaching Koichi and the man. It was bad enough you had stood by and watched the grown man bully the obviously distraught kid, the least you could do was intervene. Your hold on Spatula's leash ever so slightly loosened. Part of you was hoping the dog would jump at the chance to run off. Spatula enjoyed Koichi's company, and based on the Doberman's progressively louder growling, he didn't like seeing the boy hassled and in distress.

"Y/n!" Koichi's face flooded with relief when he noticed you and the Doberman at your side. "Josuke! Okuyasu!"

"Give back the money you stole from Koichi's wallet." Josuke ordered, backing you up, despite trying to stop you before. It appeared he had also grown tired of watching his friend be assaulted. "You're a grown man, so how about getting a job instead of shaking down kids minding their own business?"

"Stay out of this boy." The man made a shooing motion before that sleazy grin from before wriggled back onto his face, "This is between me and him, run along."

"Yeah, that's not happening." Josuke replied sourly. "My friends and I don't take kindly to rotting garbage stinking up our town. Especially when that garbage is using some second-rate stand. That garbage needs to be bagged up and disposed of..."

Okuyasu walked past you and Josuke, helped Koichi up, and curiously tugged on the lock attached to his friend's chest.

"Dang, stupid thing won't budge." Okuyasu fiddled with the lock a bit more before looking to you for guidance on what to do next. Since Josuke seemed to have the man cornered, you made your way toward Koichi.

"Hmmm interesting..." The lock was attached to his chest, and didn't shift at all when you poked at it. "This could be bad." You sighed. "Golden Soul hasn't really worked on automatic stands in the past, and given the stand is attached to him, it's likely any damage done to the user will reflect on Koichi. Am I right Mr. conman?" You asked flatly, crossing your arms.

"H-hold on a sec, you can all see it?!" The older man was gob smacked for a moment, hurriedly glancing between you and your friends in shock. "How many of you freaks are in this town?!"

"That's exactly what we'd like to know." You sighed.

"But that can wait." Josuke continued for you. "First, you're going to remove that lock from my friend, then you can answer a few questions."

The man's jaw clenched, his grin fading into a heated glare. Even if Golden Soul couldn't do anything to stop the guy's stand, you summoned your own. Maybe it would intimidate the man and prevent more conflict. Based on the man's angry expression, he was going to keep making trouble.

"Just who do you little brats think you are!? I'm not screwing around here!" The conman sneered.

"Neither are we." You deadpanned, unimpressed by his display. Spatula was still by your side, and on high alert, tugging on his leash trying to get at the guy. Despite being tempted to let go, you kept the Doberman close to you.

"Hey! If you screw up, you make amends! That's society's rule! Not mine!" The conman motioned to the bike and bag sitting in the street. "If he won't pay up, then which of you plan on covering what he owes me? Pay up and I'll forgive him, money is money after all, it spend the same."

"Or you could stop acting like a little bitch, be the bigger person, and forgive Koichi for...whatever 'horrible' thing he did..."You suggested. "Besides you already took the money from his wallet-"

"Idiot!" The conman yelled, cutting you off. "That was for lying to me about not having money!"

"What?!" Koichi sputtered.

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