Meddling Kids

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The apartment building was innocuous enough, by far what came to mind as the hideout of a seasoned burglar. It was neither lavish nor grungy. A steadily average place that apparently housed the person your friends had been tracking down for weeks now. Before long the group of teens found themselves loitering outside a particular unit, all looking at the door hesitantly.

"You sure this is the right place?" Jaya asked, arms crossed in front of her chest. In response, Vita activated his stand, activating it's tracking ability.

"Definitely." Vita answered, a sharp glare crossing his features. "This place smells exactly like the stolen shoes."

"The room is rented by a gentleman who has an extensive past criminal record." Tim cut in, reading off of the notepad he had been using while tracking down the group's suspect. "He has the means, experience, and motive to steal the shoes."

"So, what do we do now?" Learco sighed, raising a brow at his friends. "Just walk in and ask him nicely to turn himself in?"

"Pretty much." Jaya answered quietly. "We have the evidence and sent it to the police already, but in order to fully clear Donatello its best we get a confession....And if he doesn't then we just introduce him to Vita's wasp jar."

"Vita's wh-" Learco glanced over to Vita only to catch sight of the 'wasp jar' in question. The smaller boy clutched a glass jar in his hand, gently and affectionately caressing the container. Learco was silent for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose. "....Why am I not that surprised that you brought that?"

"It's not the weirdest thing that's happened to any of us at this point." Tim replied, clapping a hand on Learco's shoulder.

"Aw! Don't be put off by these little babies!" Vita held up the jar to Learco with a grin. "They're very well trained!"

"How about we use that as a last resort Vee?" Jaya asked, gently placing a hand on top of Vita's, making the boy gradually lower his arm. Vita tilted his head slightly at the suggestion, but eventually nodded in understanding and tucked the wasp jar back in the pocket of his sweatshirt. The three other teens shared a breath of relief as the wasps were put away. Eventually Jaya walked up to the door of the apartment they came for. "Just- follow my lead, and don't do anything drastic until I give you the greenlight." The girl gave a pointed look to the three boys behind her. "Okay?"

"Sure." Vita chirped.

Tim nodded.

"You're the boss." Learco gave a mock salute.

Jaya took a deep breath, steadied herself, and knocked on the door. The group waited in silence. The door remained closed, with no response. Confused, Jaya knocked on the door again, harder this time.

From behind the door, the group heard a loud groan, and the volume of what sounded like a TV being turned up. The dramatic background music of a soap opera filtered into the hallway.

Starting to get frustrated, Jaya knocked on the door much harder, to the point the hinges rattled. There was another loud groan from the apartment, followed by heavy steps coming toward the door. The deadbolt clicked, and the door opened as far as the chain lock would allow. Through the crack in the door, the group finally got a clear look at the thief's face. He seemed tired, dark circles under his eyes, and stubble in an awkward transition moving toward being a patchy beard. Jaya cleared her throat as he stepped closer to the door.

"Um...hi sir-"

"I'm not interested in any girl scout cookies." The man said, quickly starting to close the door.

"Actually we're-" Tim tried cutting in

"I don't any want any boy scout stuff either." The man replied.

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