The Nijimura Brothers Part: 2

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"What the hell-!" Josuke watched was both you and Okuyasu fell to the ground, holes appearing on your skin in a grid-like pattern. The boy hurriedly looked around in confusion, trying to find how the hell you were attacked. It had only been a few seconds, but you could feel the wet sticky puddle under your torso growing.

"The...rafters...." You weakly pointed at the ceiling before hissing in pain and clamping a hand over your seeping wound. Things were already starting to look fuzzy as black spots obscured the edge of your vision. Even in your altered state of mind, you heard Keicho once again start monologuing.

"I've said it many times before—A life without growth is unworthy of survival." Keicho looked down on his dying brother apathetically. "Your stand, The Hand, may be menacing, but...You are incompetent!" Keicho yelled angrily. "I've told you this a thousand times over the years, and I'll repeat it once more. The incompetent serve only to drag down everyone else around them." The blonde man pointed at you and smirked. "Little brother! Your pathetic death doesn't surprise me at all, but thank you for finally getting rid of two annoying hindrances!"

You were taken off guard by the abusive choice of words. Sure, the boys obviously had a less than stellar relationship based on what you saw outside, but this was very different from run of the mill sibling squabbles. It was obvious from the way he ran in and tried proving himself that Okuyasu revered his brother, he truly looked up to Keicho. Could the elder Nijimura brother really be that heartless toward a brother that looked at him with such trust and reverence?

What Josuke had said before was true, Okuyasu wasn't all that bright, not great at strategy, but that absolutely didn't make him worthy of dying at the hands of his own brother's merciless stand. Then again, Keicho wasn't the most moral person you came across. He wasn't the type to give mercy to anyone.

You thought about his stand, that little toy soldier that appeared at your window one night. Had you not sensed something wrong and reacted quickly, you would have died. One well placed shot was all he needed, and he decided to ambush you in your own home when you had no idea he even existed. That was how he operated back then, and its how he was operating right now.

Based on your warning about the rafters, Josuke managed to dodge a series of shots aimed at his head. The bullets from Bad Company hit a nearby pot instead, leaving behind a near-perfect grid pattern. Seconds later the ceramic pot shattered.

Josuke summoned his stand and used it to protect both you and Okuyasu from the falling shards. The boy gaped at Keicho in disbelief at how close the attack came to hurting the younger Nijimura brother.

" really don't care if your brother gets caught in the attack?!"

Realizing you were starting to bleed out, Josuke used Crazy Diamond to bust a hole in the wall beside him, just like when he fought Angelo. While trying to gain your bearings, you grabbed Okuyasu's arm. Josuke did the same, but winced in pain as a series of holed bored into his hand. Despite the pain, the two of you lugged Okuyasu outside just in time for the hole in the wall to fix itself.

After making sure Keicho didn't try retaliating, you flopped down in the dirt of the front yard. A light cloud of dust sprung up around your body while you closed your eyes and tried catching your breath. The excruciating pain in your side suddenly started to ebb into a dull ache.

Unsurprisingly, when you did finally open your eyes, Josuke was using Crazy Diamond to heal you. After assessing your injuries and making sure all of your wounds were gone, the boy moved on to Okuyasu who was laying right beside you.

"Its about time you told me about your brother's stand." Josuke said calmly, tapping on the injured boy's head. Okuyasu gave a quick breath as he came to consciousness. Before you could stop him, Josuke was grabbing the boy by his shirt collar. "Out with it! Talk and I'll heal you."

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