Welcome to Morioh Part 3

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Josuke led your little group in the direction of his school while Jotaro explained a bunch of the legal mumbo jumbo to him. You stayed to the side, given you still weren't great at Japanese you didn't want to mess up explaining anything. So you walked in tandem with Koichi who decided to tag along, It seemed a bit weird at first, but he wasn't hurting anybody, so you didn't see any problem with him listening in. He seemed like a good kid.

"So, there you have it." Jotaro sighed, stopping his pace to look Josuke directly in the eyes. "Eventually you're going to find yourself in possession of a fourth of the old man's inheritance. That's the message I came here to give. Hate to lay this on you, but this affair has turned the Joestar family upside down."

"Upside down!?" Josuke looked panicked. "A-are you serious?"

"Jotaro..." You mumbled as a warning. The man had a tendency to go overboard with the bluntness of his statements. That was why you came as a mediator. So far, Jotaro wasn't listening to anything you told him not to do.

"My grandma Suzie Q is the angriest she's ever been in their entire marriage, and they've been together sixty-one years." Jotaro explained.

"Jesus Jotaro-!" You facepalmed and groaned into your hand. "You have absolutely no tact."

"Wha-?" Josuke glanced between both you and Jotaro before he quickly bowed. "Please forgive me! This is all my fault!"

"Hey, there's no need to freak out." Jotaro assured with a raised brow. "Why are you apologizing in the first place?"

"Well, I...would hate to be the cause of the family falling apart." Josuke put a hand over the heart pin on his uniform. "Whenever the subject came up, mom told me she was deeply in love. Knowing that she had that is good enough for me. Could you tell my dad- I mean- Mr. Joestar, he doesn't need to concern himself with us. Thank you."

You and Jotaro shared a confused look. The two of you didn't know how well Josuke would take the news coming from his estranged family, you were half expecting Jotaro to get decked on behalf of the old man. However, instead of being angry, Josuke was the one apologizing to the two of you.

Before you could speak up and assure the boy none of what was going on was his fault, a flurry of high-pitched giggles cut you off. Three girls ran up over the bridge you had just passed.

"Look it's Josuke!"

"Yeah! It is!"

"Hey Josuke!"

"What a coincidence!"

You had flashbacks to all the times your 'Fan girls' had said similar things while you walked to school. Jotaro was having similar flashbacks.

"Let's go to class together!" One of the girls ran up to Josuke and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Your hair is looking glorious as always!" Another one commented. "It's so great!"

"You're so different from the other guys at school!"

Josuke slightly shrugged off a girl's arm, looking embarrassed by the interruption. He turned to the girls bashfully.

"That's great, but we're actually in the middle of an important chat, so..." Josuke was trying to be polite and you could tell.

"Oh c'mon!" One girl whined.

"If you don't hurry, you're going to be late for school!" Another frowned.

You worriedly glanced at Jotaro as you heard him growl. He already had a short temper about these things, but this interruption was sure to set him off. You had a feeling he was going to snap faster than you could avert the situation.

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