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After your rather bizarre first encounter with Josuke, you accompanied Jotaro in getting a rental car from a local dealership. It was horribly boring for you. Jotaro had a mountain of papers to read and sign. Meanwhile, you sat aside in a small uncomfortable plastic chair in the corner. The small stuffy office that smelled of mildew only had one window, which was covered by curtains, bathing the room in a dull grey hue.

The salesperson gave Jotaro a final rundown on some legal papers he had to sign before letting you go. You sighed when Jotaro finally stood from his chair as he was handed a set of car keys. Jotaro motioned for you to follow him. You stood from the chair and groaned as an audible crack came from your back.

You made it to the car and followed Jotaro inside, taking your place in the passenger's seat. He drove off and you didn't bother asking where you were headed. Instead, your thoughts on the past few days started to flit through your head.

Donatello's case and upcoming trial, Joseph and Suzie's fighting, Angelo's lurking presence in Morioh, Josuke's likelihood to be brought into the chaos, Keicho's possible involvement, and...Dio.

It was frustrating. Everything going on around Josuke and the affair had gotten you to thinking about your own biological parentage. It always hurt to remember that both your mother and father had abandoned you as a child. At this point you didn't even know if they were alive. If they were, would you even want to see them? You had an amazing life with the Joestars, they treated you with the kind of love you never thought you'd receive again after Senora Jones' death.

Suddenly you remembered a few things Joseph had mentioned when you first met. 'You're definitely a Joestar' or 'Someone has to keep up the family business.' While his words were cryptic, Joseph never explained himself, only ever telling you it was not his place. He told you Jotaro was why he couldn't tell you.

"Jotaro..." You finally spoke, holding your hands and gaze on your lap not daring to look up. "Can I ask you about something?"

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Jotaro kept his eyes on the road while talking with you.

"I've been wondering- I've had some questions- about well." You were honestly scared to ask. Despite having known Jotaro for a year now, the prospect of him getting mad at you was scary.

"Just spit it out kid. What's on your mind?" His voice was monotone as usual. You took in a deep breath as you collected your thoughts and chose your words carefully.

"I know this might not be a good time-" You admitted quietly. "Jotaro, I know you've been keeping something from me...." 

"Oh?" Jotaro's brow rose. "And what exactly is that?"

"Well, after we met, Mr. Joestar told me that I'm definitely a Joestar," You weren't stupid, you remembered the way he said it, the way he smiled at you knowingly..."He never established how exactly....?"

"Well the old man adopted you, I figure he was just trying to tell you you're part of the family-"

"No." You interjected sharply. "He told me these things before...the incident. He said it was something I should ask you about."

"I see...." Jotaro's grip on the steering wheel tightened by a fraction. To him, the question was coming out of nowhere. He had been quietly dreading this conversion. He knew you would want to start asking questions eventually. Maybe with the discovery of Josuke he should have seen this coming...

"So now that I know about Josuke I have to ask, is Mr. Joestar my father or something? I guess that would make him adopting me so quickly make more sense but somehow, I also get the feeling that's not right. When I asked Mr. Joestar about how I'm related to you all he avoided the question. He said it wasn't his place to say." You looked up only to find a stone-cold expression on Jotaro's face as he stared at the road ahead. Had you said something wrong? There was a heavy silence before he responded.

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