Aqua Necklace Part 1

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"Jotaro? Are you okay? Did something happen?" You asked worriedly. It hadn't exactly been long enough for him to have dealt with Angelo.

"You need to get over here."

"Where-" Jotaro didn't take any time to explain himself. That couldn't be good. He hung up on you. As soon as he gave you the massage he hung up. Your eyes widened.

You ran out of your room, and practically threw yourself down the stairs to reach the lobby quickly. Lacking context, you decided to get over to the Higashikata residence as quickly as possible.


The street was flooded with flashing red and blue lights. Police officers came in and out of Josuke's house, each looking more upset than the last. You met with Jotaro who was watching the chaos from across the road.

"I'm guessing Angelo did this." You murmured watching quietly as a body bag was carefully loaded into the back of an awaiting ambulance.

"You should go talk to him." Jotaro said, pointing over to Josuke. He was sitting on the sidewalk several yards away. "This is a tragedy, but I've never been good at comforting people." You gave a humorless airy laugh.

"Yeah. Trust me I know." You replied bitterly while throwing Jotaro a glare. After a moment your expression fell. "How did it happen?"

"Angelo." Jotaro said through clenched teeth.

Of course...

This wasn't going to be an easy conversation. With slow strides, you made your way across the street to stand next to Josuke.

"Hey." You greeted softly. The boy looked up before doing a double take. You noticed him trying to discreetly wipe some tears from his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine..." The boy took a shaky breath. "Just need some time to take this in." It wasn't hard to tell Josuke was deliberately trying not to cry. His eyes were red and glassy from the way he was blinking back his tears.

"Ya'know...." You took a seat on the curb next to the boy. "You don't need to worry about your tough guy front right now." You placed a comforting hand on Josuke's shoulder. "Trust me, bottling it all up doesn't help anything." You pulled a handkerchief out of your pocket and handed it to the boy. Josuke looked between your face and the handkerchief for a moment before carefully accepting it. You stayed quiet as the boy cried.

"I could've saved him." A few fresh tears rolled down Josuke's cheeks. "If I had just-!"

"Stop. Don't you dare blame this on yourself." Your grip on Josuke's shoulder subconsciously tightened a bit. "You weren't the one who hurt him. You aren't responsible for what happened."

"What the hell would you know about what I'm going through?" Josuke gave you a bitter look.

"A lot, actually." You replied sullenly, expression falling. "I lost my mother just last year because of a stand." When Josuke saw the look of sadness, guilt, and shame on your face he could tell you knew exactly what he was going through. "Can I give you some advice? From my own experience?" You asked quietly. Josuke wordlessly nodded. "Its okay to remember this moment, but don't let it haunt you. It may take a while to adjust to this loss, remember that your grandpa wouldn't want you to suffer because of him. And..." You glanced at Jotaro who was watching you from across the street. Josuke followed your gaze. "Cherish the family you do have, no matter how insufferable they can be at times."

You and Josuke sat in a comfortable silence. Josuke would wipe away a tear or two, and you stayed there to reassure him.

"Thanks Y/n."

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