Aqua Necklace Part 4

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The rain hadn't stopped yet, but with Aqua Necklace captured, that didn't matter. It didn't take long to find Angelo after walking outside. Spatula gave a low growl at your side when the enemy came within sight. The murderer had fallen out of his hiding place up in the tree after you captured his stand. Angelo was huffing, out of breath as he tried to recover from suddenly being slammed to the ground. He hurriedly tried crawling across the wet concrete when he realized your little group approaching.

"Shit!" Angelo huffed, trying to stand up and run away. Spatula lept from your side, pouncing on the man before he could get far. The angry Doberman forced Angelo back into the concrete. Angelo screamed as Spatula bit his leg and began shaking it aggressively.

You carefully handed the rubber glove containing Aqua Necklace off to Josuke so you could make damn well sure Angelo didn't lay a finger on your dog again. Quickly walking over, you lightly grabbed Spatula's collar and tugged him off of Angelo. While you didn't have a problem with Spatula roughing up the man, it wouldn't be good if your dog mauled a guy in the middle of a residential area.

"Down boy." You ordered gently. Spatula reluctantly released his jaw from Angelo and backed off, but he remained protectively between you and the murderer. Angelo quickly began crawling away again before turning to face you, Jotaro, and Josuke.

"Impossible-" The man gave a laugh that you assumed was meant to sound cocky, but came off as more nervous. "You aren't honestly thinking about killing me now are you!? I may be a criminal under Japanese law, but you fuckers have no right to judge me!" This was just pathetic in your mind. Angelo sat in front of you, shaking like a leaf and begging for his life. At the end of the day, he was just a coward, afraid of the very thing he subjected countless other people to. Death. "Listen here Josuke!" Angelo pointed an accusatory finger at the boy. "Sure, I murdered your grandpa, but that doesn't give you the right to do anything to me!" A sick laugh, more cocky than nervous this time, left the man as he grinned. "Kill me and your soul will be damned just like yours truly!" Now that sounded familiar. For a brief second Blake Greenmin's taunting smile flashed in your mind. You wondered for a moment if Blake would have wound up like Angelo had you not...dealt with him.

Before you could further ponder the thought Crazy Diamond appeared to sucker punched Angelo's outstretched hand and the large rock sitting behind him. The man's finger snapped with an audible crack. You watched as Crazy Diamon's ability started working.

"It's rude to go around pointing fingers, didn't your mother ever teach you that?" Josuke asked flatly, obviously unimpressed by Angelo's attempt at making him feel guilty. Angelo stared in shock at the boy before his gaze turned to his hand that was now unevenly fused with the rock. A bloodcurdling scream tore through the man's chest as he gaped down at his transformed appendage.

"What the hell did you do to my hand?!"

"No one's going to be executing you." The corners of Josuke's mouth quirked up into the slightest smirk. "Not me, not Mr. Jotaro, Y/n, not even the Japanese legal system. You won't be going to jail either."

"What the hell are you psychotic bastards planning to do?" He yelled, flailing backwards into the large rock behind him.

"Eternal attornment Angelo, that's your fate." Crazy Diamond once again appeared at Josuke's side. "Repent for what you did to my grandpa and every other person you murdered!" The stand let out a cry as it sent an attack at Angelo, throwing him further into the rock, but you couldn't hear it over the sound of your heart beating in your ears.

Repent. That word was terrifyingly familiar to you. For a moment it was like you were there again, in the dark dank basement, still wearing the black clothes you had on for your mother's funeral. Your head hurt like hell from Blake getting a lucky hit in. The fumes of gasoline were accompanied by dirt and drywall clinging to your skin.

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