Aqua Necklace Part 2

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Two days of lounging around the Higashikata house crawled by. Most of your time was spent awkwardly avoiding conversation with Jotaro. If he entered a room, you did your best to not even look at him. Even if it was petty, you weren't ready to face him yet.

After finding out you were going to spend so much time away from the Morioh Grand and getting an 'ok' from Josuke, you brought Spatula over to the house. The Doberman was good company, and added a bit more protection to the house.

Spatula sat next to you on the living room floor as Josuke showed you his video game collection. You couldn't help but notice the boy's excitement when you said yes to learning how to play. It didn't take long after that for you to notice a stark lack of friends in Josuke's. That was surprising to you, Josuke was personable and well-spoken. Sure, a wallflower at times, but overall a nice guy. And yet he was lonely.

So, you sat next to the boy in the living room and listened intently as he explained the game controls to you. Before long, you got the hang of it. You weren't an expert gamer, but Josuke appreciated the effort. You focused on the television screen while clumsily tapping at buttons on your controller. Josuke's character managed several critical hits on the boss before a green 'mission successful' displayed on screen.

"Ha! That makes three wins for us!" Josuke did a little victory dance. You laughed at the boy's antics.

"Good game." You offered Josuke a quick fist bump. Before you could even ask if he wanted to continue, Josuke was already selecting the next level. While waiting, you took a moment to stretch. Apparently sitting on the floor wasn't the best for your lower lumbar.

"That's a nasty scar." Josuke commented out of the blue. You looked at Josuke quizzically. The boy's eyes widened as he realized exactly what he said.

"What?" You murmured to yourself, examining yourself before realizing you were wearing short sleeves. Josuke had noticed the large scar on your forearm. It was the one from when you fought Learco.

"Sorry, that was rude." Josuke apologized quickly.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. I'd be curious about it too." You let your hand run over the jagged and slightly discolored skin. It was a bit off-putting to most people you supposed. "It's just a souvenir from an earlier adventure." You explained. "I have a few of them now, comes with the stand user territory I guess." You shrugged.

"I could try fixing it if you want." Josuke offered, summoning his stand. You immediately shook your head, unintentionally scooting away from the boy. Your own mind emphasized his saying 'try'.

"No thanks! It's not hurting anything!" Memories of what happened to the bullies and the robber once again came to mind. You were not in the mood to find out what being rearranged by Josuke's stand felt like. Sure, healing didn't hurt, but fixing an injury that was already healed over sounded like it would hurt. "My scars bothered me at one point but they're part of me." The most you got was an odd look or two when you went to the beach or something. "We should definitely figure out the limits of your crazy diamond guy's ability before you go around offering an alternative to reconstructive surgery."

"Hang on, what you just call it?"

"Crazy diamond guy? I mean- stands usually have names to go with them." It occurred to you Jotaro might have neglected to explain that kind of stuff to Josuke, much like he did with you.

"Huh...I actually like that name...Crazy Diamond." Josuke gave a contemplative look as he thought about your unintended suggestion.

"You definitely need to find different ways to use your ability, especially given you can't heal yourself. Raw power may be how Jotaro deals with stuff, but using your head won't hurt anything." You rambled on, but Josuke seemed to be ignoring you as he was deep in thought, however it was interrupted by particular dog barking.

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