This Is My Enotional Support Spatula

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The grass next to you rustled loudly, taring you from the disparaging train of thought. You turned to the wide empty field that sprawled out across the side of the road. Wind gusts had been consistently causing the field to whistle in opposition, but this new sound was different. Like something was moving toward you. Stalking.

"Hello?" You asked quietly as you looked into the field.

A low growl came from the field. Before you could do anything, a large dog jumped out in front of you. The animal gnashed it teeth at you in a threatening manner as it started barking at you.

"Oh." You mentally cursed and carefully took a step away from the dog. While you weren't too familiar with most dog breeds, you were able to tell the one in front of you was a very pissed off Doberman pinscher. "H-hi there." You greeted warily while examining the dog further.

It didn't have a collar and seemed rather skinny. You figured it had to be a stray, and you accidentally stumbled into it's territory.

As you moved to take another slow step backwards, you felt something under your sneaker.

"What the....?" Looking down, you found a spatula.....? It was laying on the sidewalk under your foot.

An angry bought of barking made you look back up at the animal assailant in front of you. The dog had it's head tilted down. When you followed it's eyeline, you realized it was staring at the spatula you were stepping on.

"Uh...? Is this what you want?" You asked, taking your foot off of the out of place cookware. The dog's growling stopped almost immediately, but it continued looking at the spatula, almost expectantly. "Okay..." You kept your eyes on the Doberman as you bent down slowly. As your hand wrapped around the handle, you noticed the dog's tail start to slowly wag. "So this is what you want?" The dog's eyes tracked your motions as you stood back up, the spatula now clutched tightly in your hands. The Doberman's tail began wagging quicker as it continued watching your actions. "Here you go I guess?" You gently held out the odd toy, watching as the dog's eyes followed it intently. The animal made no move to take it. For a moment you remained silent and stiff, nervous the dog before you would pounce.

After a long pause, the Doberman slowly approached the outstretched spatula and nudged it with his nose before looking up at you expectantly. You raised a brow as the dog repeated the action. He took on a more playful stance as he nudged the spatula and backed away from you slightly.

"Uh-?" You raised up the cookware before tossing it into the empty field. The Doberman ran off, disappearing into the tall grass he had originally emerged from. A small smile came across your face as the dog soon returned, trotting right up to you and dropping the stick at your feet. You bent down, once again picking up the makeshift toy, and gave the Doberman a pat on the head as you stood back up. "You aren't so scary...just want to play huh?" You spoke lowly. "You had me worried for a second there buddy." You gently scratched behind the dog's ear. The Doberman licked your hand gleefully but his attention was obviously more focused on the spatula. He whined slightly at your delay in throwing it again. "Alright...fetch!" You flung the stick as far as you could and watched the Doberman follow it.

He returned quickly, and repeated exactly as he'd done before. You laughed at the simplicity of his thought process and moved to throw the spatula yet again.

"I guess you don't care about crap like Dio or where I came from." You took a seat on the sidewalk and continued playing with the dog. "Just glad I came along huh?"

"Arf!" The Doberman once again stood in front of you, a pleading look on his face.

"No worries, I'm not going anywhere buddy." You gave the dog's head a pat but your expression fell. "I need a good distraction right about now." You sighed.

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