Golden Soul Works Like a Ouija Board

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You didn't need to turn around to know the man was now standing behind you.

"I can't believe I'm doing this...." You muttered to yourself. If you weren't desperate for answers, you definitely would have thought this through some more. Before you could even turn to greet your new guest, Spatula started growling. He was looking right up at the vampire. The Doberman jumped up from where he had been napping, immediately going into attack mode the second he saw the intruder.

Dio didn't react as the dog barked at him.

You were surprised Spatula could even sense him. Initially, you thought this new ability worked like your other one, where only you could see the ghosts made by your stand. Looked like you were wrong.

You took a moment to inspect Dio's spirit. It was noticeably not transparent like when you used Golden Soul on Learco or yourself. But he looked real, opaque, like he was alive. Maybe that's why you didn't realize your stand was responsible for Dio appearing the first time.

So channeling spirit energy from photos was very different between a living person and a dead person. Interesting...

Unfortunately, you didn't have time to explore the revelation as you noticed Dio moving.

He looked down at Spatula and grimaced as the Doberman continued growling and barking at him. Dio moved his leg backward.

After a moment of confusion, you realized the undead vampire was winding up for a kick.

"Don't." You ordered sternly, a bit of anger bleeding into your tone. Despite that, the larger man ignored you, allowing his leg to surge forward. You blood boiled causing you to act on instinct. Quickly, you kicked your own leg out at the back of his stationary knee, causing Dio to topple over. There was a loud thump when he hit the floor. "Touch my dog and I'll make you regret it." You seethed. "I've heard you're the definition of pure evil but right now you're just being a dick!"

The vampire looked up at you from the floor flabbergasted. It was odd standing over him. Mr. Joestar, Jotaro, and the files from the Speedwagon Foundation made Dio sound like some sort of horrible demonic Boogeyman. Right now, he just looked like some shirtless dude laying on your floor.

"You!" He growled. "What is this?! What have you been doing to me?!"

"You remember the other times I've summoned you?" You murmured curiously, more so talking to yourself than the vampire.

"Enough of this! The World!" The man moved his hand though the air and paused. He looked around at his surroundings. You mimicked his action with a raised brow, wondering what exactly he was trying to do. Dio moved his hand around in the air a few more times, and you noticed his eyes darting around the room in confusion. "What devil's games are you playing to deprive me of my stand?" The man snarled, hitting the ground with a closed fist.

"Congratulations! You're dead." You announced with obviously fake enthusiasm. "You're a construct created by my stand using the soul energy trapped in this spirit photo." Golden Soul briefly held up the spirit photo in its hand.

"This ability..." Dio whispered, recognition crossing his face.

"You aren't really Dio, so you shouldn't have access to any of the real Dio's abilities, just his memories and experiences." That was a theory. You knew for sure he wasn't alive, sure he had a physical form now, but wasn't affected by the sun. Based on his earlier question, he didn't have access to his stand either. Keeping that in mind, you turned away from the man and made your way to the room's closet where towels and other amenities curtesy of the hotel were stored. You shuffled through a few things before finally finding an oversized bathrobe you never intended to use. "Put this on." You said, holding out the bathrobe. It was hard to believe the guy was raised in an age of modest dress where showing ankles was scandalous.

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