The Lock Part: 1

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Keicho Nijimura was buried in Kunimitoge Cemetery on the western side of Morioh just two weeks following his death. In that time there was no sightings of the electricity stand or its user, despite your and Jotaro's best efforts at tracking him down. The longer the search went on the more you wondered about just how many stand users were in this town.

Despite the uncertainty hanging above everyone's heads, life went on. Okuyasu enrolled at the same school as Koichi and Josuke. You weren't sure how to feel about it at first, but ultimately decided it wasn't a bad idea. Even with their first encounter being less than stellar, you noticed the three boys bonded quickly and easily became friends. That in itself made you ecstatic, after the week spent hiding from Angelo with Josuke and seeing how few connections he had, it was nice to see him finally make some friends. Even with your distrust of the younger Nijimura brother at first, you realized he meant no harm, and keeping him close would ensure Josuke and Koichi had a slightly more experienced stand user and ally nearby during school.

That being said, you still made a habit of walking with the trio to school before going about your own day. You would meet Josuke and Okuyasu at the Higashikata home before catching up with Koichi later on. Today was no different as you walked with Spatula by your side.

Tomoko was the one to eagerly answer the door when you finally arrived. The woman had been very receptive of your appearance in her son's life, always encouraging you to come inside to have a snack while waiting on Josuke to finish getting ready for school. Such had been your routine the past week. Spatula happily trotted inside the house, happily receiving an affectionate head pat from the Higashikata matriarch.

"You're right on time Y/n, I just finished making coffee." Tomoko smiled, leading the way into the kitchen where Okuyasu was already helping himself to the pot. Spatula walked up to the high schooler and expectantly sat next to him awaiting some form of attention.

"Thanks." You nodded, accepting the mug the woman was already holding out for you to take. The kitchen hummed with casual conversation as you, Okuyasu, and Tomoko simply talked about the weather being nice and whatever other mundanity was planned for the day. It was refreshing. Normal.

Fifteen minutes of conversation passed uninterrupted before you started glancing at the clock. It was getting close to the time where you and the boys would normally leave so they wouldn't be late for class.

"I hate to rush your son's perfection, but do you mind if I go make sure he's not going to spend another hour primping?" You asked, looking to Tomoko.

"Upstairs." The woman replied, motioning toward the stairs. "I can go tell him to hurry up."

"That's alright, I got it." You laughed, placing your empty coffee cup in the sink before making your way towards Josuke's room. It was as you were heading to the boy's room that you noticed muffled cursing flooding from behind the bathroom's door. "Wardrobe malfunction?" You called, gently knocking on the closed door. There was a series of grunts and the sound of something metallic hitting the floor followed by more curses. "Constipated?" You teased.

Before you could keep guessing at what the problem was, the door swung open to reveal a tired and frustrated Josuke with a comb clutched in his hand. His hair was a wreak of tangles and knots that messily fell onto his forehead while other sections were sticking out in different direction, seeming to defy gravity. The usually immaculate pompadour Josuke would sport was currently a less-than flattering heap sitting atop his head like a bird's nest.

"Ah, I take that back, bad hair day?" You said, suppressing a laugh.

"Funny." Josuke deadpanned, obviously not finding any humor in the situation. "I don't know what's up with it today." The boy sighed, moving from the doorway to stand in front of the bathroom mirror, furiously trying to comb the mess on his head. "It just doesn't want to cooperate." He groaned, feeling around the counter with one hand while the other kept trying to card through his hair.

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