Stand Experiment

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You left first thing in the morning on the earliest flight to Japan. It was, least to say, an awkward departure. Joseph and Suzie gave you a proper sendoff, albeit separately. They had refused to speak with one another, but they decided to be civil as long as you were around following the initial screaming match.

Despite your trip being criminally sudden, Learco happily took on your typical jobs as manager and owner at the bakery so it wouldn't implode while you were gone. Donatello didn't fully understand why you were leaving out of nowhere. You did your best to assure him he was in good hands with Learco and Vita looking after him, but you could understand why he was skeptical. Even so, you trusted the two boys with tracking down the real culprit in the burglary before Donatello's trial.

You promised Donatello that he wouldn't go to jail for something he didn't do. Not on your watch. Part of you felt like you owed it to him. The last time he needed your help you just left him behind. You promised yourself not to let that happen again.

Jotaro didn't say much as you drove to the airport. You simply used the time to reflect on the events of the past few days while partially listening to the dull hum of whatever pop station was playing on the radio.

To most, sitting alone in a car with Jotaro Kujo in silence would be intimidating. You however had come to know the man better, and even enjoyed his presence. Sure, he was quiet, but it was comfortable, and much better than the awkward passing conversations you had experienced with Suzie and Joseph lately. It was nice to know he didn't expect a conversation out of you.

The flight itself was exhausting, but gave you the time you needed to get your head in the game. There were countless dangers ahead. Stand related dangers. After everything that happened with Blake and Blaze, neither you nor your friends exactly had a reason to use your stands, let alone practice fighting with them. All you could hope was that you weren't too rusty.

It was late when you touched down in Japan, and you couldn't help feeling intimidated. Sure, Jotaro and Vita had both been teaching you Japanese for a year now, but the language didn't exactly come to you naturally. It wasn't until you were walking through the airport's food court that you realized just how out of your element you were. There was so much writing everywhere, but you couldn't make heads or tails of any of it. Jotaro didn't seem to notice your hesitation as he simply walked toward a food booth and began ordering something to eat.

You couldn't help but gape as the man spoke so fluidly and comfortably. After a moment, Jotaro turned to you, as did the cashier. You froze eyes wide, feeling put on the spot.

"Well kid?" Jotaro asked you in Japanese. You were surprised you understood him.

"I- uh..." You fumbled over your words as you once again looked over at the menu, even if all you could see was a mess of characters you had no idea how to read. "I'm good." You answered Jotaro in English. The worker at the resister gave you an odd look. You felt a pang of embarrassment in your stomach quickly followed by hunger. You hadn't had anything to eat since lunch after all.

Jotaro seemed to realize his mistake and quickly ordered a meal for you.

You sighed, a flush crossing your face. This was going to be a long trip...


The two of you took a train from the airport to Jotaro's childhood hometown, the sun had come up by the time you got there. It had been some time since the man had last been in Japan so he decided to drop by before heading to Morioh. He also wanted to speak with her in person about the drama currently plaguing your family.

It was your first time meeting Jotaro's mother Holley in person. You had been assured many times by Jotaro that she was a kind and non-judgmental woman. However you couldn't help but feel intimidated as you approached the massive traditional Japanese style house. This was your first time staying in the country, let alone meeting Jotaro's mother and father.

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