The Nijimura Brothers Part: 3

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"Will someone please tell me what the heck is going on!?" Koichi yelled, glancing between you and Josuke in pure confusion.

"Just to be sure, Koichi, you can see them clearly?" Josuke motioned to Keicho Nijimura's stand as it had you surrounded. "The little G.I guys? The tanks and helicopters?"

"Y-yeah..." Koichi hesitantly nodded, a nervous sweat accumulating on his forehead. "I can't explain what I'm seeing."

The electric green stand aura around Koichi flared a bit. It seemed Dio wasn't lying after all. The arrow saw some potential in Koichi, and because of Crazy Diamond's intervention, Koichi survived being shot. Now the timid boy in front of you had a stand, and he didn't even know it.

"Hard to tell if this is a blessing or a curse right now..." You sighed, eyeing the miniature army at your feet. The tiny infantry were all over the place. It was as you tried scouting a new way out that Keicho finally revealed himself, stepping out of the shadows.

"So, my arrow worked on that runt after all..." Keicho mused, sounding almost disgusted by the notion. He stood so that a sea of toy soldiers acted as a protective shield, a buffer preventing you from getting close enough to use Golden Soul. "Have you really obtained the power to summon a stand?"

"Nice of you to finally show yourself jackass." You greeted cooly, crossing your arms. "You do realize you don't need to fatally injure someone with the arrow to give them a stand, right?" Keicho merely rolled his eyes at your question.

"Oh Y/n, always so brash..." The boy sighed.

Koichi stayed quiet, likely too stunned to speak. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Josuke fiddling with two nails sticking out from the wall behind him.

"You've got some guts." Josuke said, taking the nails in his hand. "Showing yourself out in the open like this..." Crazy Diamond materialized and quickly hurled the rusty projectiles across the room at Keicho

Without missing a beat, the soldiers of Bad Company took aim and all simultaneously fired shots at the nails. What once was rusty nails was completely obliterated, becoming nothing but dust. You, Josuke, and Koichi watched the ash remains of the nails slowly float to the ground. Keicho smirked and leisurely leaned against the wall while admiring his stand's handiwork.

"Impressed? My stand's defenses are impenetrable. No attack can land when facing their military might!"

"Coward." You deadpanned. Keicho just laughed again.

"I know you would much rather attack me directly than face my army, but Bad Company will never let you or Golden Soul get close enough to harm me." Keicho pushed off the wall to pace forward a few steps. "Okuyasu's meddling put a wrench in my plan, but I now have your back to the wall! My entire army stands between us! Feast your eyes on the beauty of their flawless formation!" Keicho made a dramatic sweeping motion at the soldiers currently surrounding you. "Company! Maintain battle formation! At ease!" All of the soldiers remained in place but lowered their weapons.

"You really weren't kidding about being meticulous." Josuke remarked.

"It's annoying." You added.

"I enjoy the beauty of order. Although you did trample some of my soldiers, so my formation is irritatingly asymmetrical." Keicho looked down at his stand's unbalanced battalions. "But that's beside the point." Keicho slowly turned to Koichi before motioning toward the smaller boy. "You...the little one! I want to observe you!"

"M-me?" Kochi hesitantly pointed at himself.

"Yes, your name is Koichi right? Despite my initial expectations, you apparently possess the aptitude to become a stand user. Now! Show it to me!"

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