Aqua Necklace Part 3

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Cool damp morning air greeted your cheeks as you walked through the front yard toward Jotaro. After breakfast you told him about your sighting of Angelo the night before. A set of footprints was visible in the grass leading from the front window toward the sidewalk. Jotaro was kneeling in the grass examining the prints.

"He's staking us out," Jotaro stood back up. "But its been three days and he hasn't made a move."

"Maybe he's waiting for you and I to leave?" You suggested, crossing your arms. Damn it was cold out. Jotaro shook his head.

"No, he's waiting on something." The man took a moment to examine the quiet neighborhood surrounding the two of you. "But what?" Jotaro turned to you expectantly.

"Don't look at me." You shrugged, irritation rising. After everything he said to you before all this stuff happened, you couldn't believe he was looking to you for input. "I don't know anything about this stuff remember?"

"You're still mad at me." Jotaro said, mostly as a comment to himself more than anything.

"No shit." You deadpanned. Of course you were still angry. "You kept a massive secret from me!" The words got caught in your throat slightly. "And now you're treating me like a nuisance." You paused, trying to regain your composure. Truly you didn't know if you wanted to be angry or sad at this point. At least the weather was perfectly matching your current attitude. Overcast and cold. It looked like it could rain at any moment...wait. Rain? Your eyes widened at you quickly looked up at the sky. Almost as if on que, several drops of water landed on your face. "Shit."

It happened faster than you could fully process it. You heard Star Platinum before you saw it. Aqua Necklace hit the side of the Higashikata house with a wet slap. The stand grinned down at you and Jotaro with sharp fang-like teeth.

"So, you're a stand user huh? I thought there was something strange about you!" Aqua Necklace sneered at Jotaro. "It doesn't matter! I've been waiting for this moment to strike!" The watery stand started slipping inside a vent near the roof. "This house is mine! And thanks to this rain, you won't be going anywhere!" Aqua Necklace disappeared from sight, leaving you alone with Jotaro.

The man was bleeding profusely from a hand shaped cut next to his mouth. Like the skin had been forcefully ripped off. Angelo's stand was fast enough to land a hit even with Star Platinum on guard. You wanted nothing more than to chase after Angelo and find where he was skulking, but Aqua Necklace was already in the house and likely about to attack Josuke. The boy was going to need your help. After taking a handkerchief from your pocket you threw it at Jotaro.

"So much for your plan of cornering this guy." You growled, already running back in the house. "Get your ass in gear Jotaro!" You yelled over your shoulder.

The house was mostly quiet when you reentered the front door. Josuke must have heard the commotion outside because he practically jumped from the top of the stairs into the ground floor right in front of you.

"Y/n! What's going on?"

"Angelo got in here somewhere." You explained hurriedly. "Are you okay Josuke?"

"I'm fine for now but-" A clanging and loud barking came down the hallway from the kitchen. You shared a look with Josuke before running to check it out.

When you made it to the kitchen, you were greeted by boiling pots, pans, and kettle on the stove, steam rising from all of them. Spatula stood in the doorway spooked, and growling at the stove.

"Dammit he's fast!" You cursed, noticing even the faucet was turned onto its hottest setting. Sensing someone enter the room you readied yourself to fight, only to realize it was Jotaro.

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