Well that was Awkward

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While the man yelled and kicked at Spatula, you got the chance to look into the water. A girl was laying stiff as a board under the water, bubbles slowly floating up to the surface, her face was panicked and pleading as she looked up at you. Confused, you risked a glance up at the male surfer and caught sight of one thing you weren't expecting. An ambling shiny white robotic body held up by several legs, and a distinct circular mark with a line coming out of it, resembling a Q. Was that a stand?

"Hey!" You yelled loudly at the male surfer, gaining his attention. When his attention was turned to you, Spatula took the opportunity to knock the man's board over. The surfboard flipped, dumping the man into the water with a large splash. Immediately the girl swam up to the surface, choking and coughing up saltwater. You quickly went to her, helping to keep her head above water and guiding her to the shoreline. "Are you okay?" You asked, gently patting her back as she kneeled on the sand and vomited. She remained silent, but shakily held up a thumbs up as she panted and attempted getting air back in her lungs. You were confused as you noticed a mark on her hand resembling the marking on the stand, a circle with a line in it like a Q. As soon as you made sure she wasn't in any more danger, you turned your attention further into the beach. A few feet away the man was flailing and hurriedly dragging himself out of the water, dry coarse sand sticking to his wet skin. Spatula's tail wagged as he chased the man out of the water, treating the chase as a game, taking a pleasure in making the surfer run away.

"Get away you stupid mutt!" The surfer kicked at the Doberman wildly, the last straw for you. While his attention was focused on Spatula, you walked up behind the distracted man. "Take a hint you little-"

"I saw what you did." You cut him off coldly.

"Wh-" The man whipped around, shock washing over his face as he looked up at you in surprise. "E-excuse me?" He asked, sunburnt shoulders stiffening. You ignored his question and took a moment to squat down, getting on the man's eye level.

"If there's one thing in this world I hate, its people who take advantage of others." Your glare hardened as you summoned Golden Soul. "So, what's your deal? I can see you're a surfer."

"What the hell is that thing?!" The man stood up and braced his arms in a defensive position. "S-stay back!" He shakily demanded. Ignoring him, you also stood up and stepped closer. The man's eyes widened for a moment before he scowled at you, fists clenching, knuckles turning lighter. "Get over here! I'm going to kick your ass!"

"Which is it?" You asked flatly, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. He stayed quiet, jaw dropping, obviously rattled and intimidated. "Do you want me to fight you or go?" Your head tilted as you used Golden Soul's ability to skim a few things about him. His name was Ojiro Sasame. Images of surfing competitions and living out of his parents' basement flooded your mind. "Well, aren't you indecisive Mr. Sasame?" Your lips unintentionally quirked up when the surfer's face contorted in shock. "I guess I should have guessed as much, I mean- a surfer? Really? That's your job? What the kind of profession is that anyway? A product of being unable to decide on a single thing even once in your life I would say."

"What the hell are you going on about?" Ojiro wretched his shoulder from your grip.

"I'm asking which are you truly? A man of the sea or a man of the land? Or are you even a man at all?"

That made him mad.

"Shut up you bastard! I'll fucking kill you!" He reeled back, and threw a punch your direction. Without blinking you caught his wrist, preventing it from connecting.

"I would love to see you try." You deadpanned.

Before you could get another word out Ojiro had turned on his heels and started running. You decided to let him go, with luck he wouldn't be a problem, especially since he seemed so terror stricken when confronted.

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