Meanwhile in Florida

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Learco tiredly stumbled down the stairs into the bakery. The sun hadn't risen yet, but he couldn't sleep. He figured getting up and starting up the oven for today's goods would be better than tossing and turning for a few more hours. He was still used to waking up early for his remedial classes, but he had finished those a month ago. Now he didn't know what to do with himself.

The boy paced over to the refrigerator where he kept the pastry dough he prepped the day before. Learco began setting up his station. A year ago the delinquent would have never guessed he would be doing something as mundane as baking. When he started he didn't think he would ever get the hang of it, but now he was a co-owner and manager. There were a few times you had even joked he was the better cook between the two of you.

A frown played across Learco's face as he glanced over at the back door to the kitchen. There were over ten locks on it. Same with the front door. And the upstairs' windows. There was a pricy security system that covered every entrance to the bakery and upstairs home. Learco didn't want to point out how unnecessary it all was, but after everything that happened...they made you feel safer. To a degree they made him feel safer too, but the reason they were there in the first place left a sour taste in Learco's mouth.

Shaking off the thought, Learco went back to shaping the pastries he planned to bake later. However, before he could get very far, a loud bang sounded from upstairs.

Learco gently wiped off his flour covered hands and walked over to the panel that controlled the security system. With a raised brow Learco pulled up the CCTV footage. The boy groaned as the image of Donatello halfway out a window came up.

This had become a common occurrence since you left for Japan, which was impressive given you had just barely been gone a full two days by now. Donatello didn't seem opposed to staying at the bakery, but the second you left, the kid had become a menace.


Donatello wanted to get out. It had only been a few days but he felt suffocated. Admittedly, it was nice not being ignored. Donatello usually had to act out to get attention. The problem was now he had all of your friends watching him and it felt...strange. He wasn't sure how to feel, he just needed some time out of the house.

Sneaking out was a force of habit. He did it all the time back home. It wasn't the best of his ideas but it's what he had. The window was really his only option with all the locks you kept on the doors.

Sure, Donatello could have asked to get out of the house, but asking for things directly never got him anywhere in the past. God knows his parents never listened to him, he assumed it was going to be similar with you. Plus it was early as hell.

Sure, you were helping Donatello, but the people you left him with were shifty. Donatello understood that you had to leave but that didn't mean he had to like it.

He was just going to head out for some air, and be right back. The drop from the window was larger than any he'd done before, but there was a ledge...

He just had to lower himself down and he'd be fine.

On the count of three.




Before Donatello could jump Learco was grabbing him by the back of his shirt.

"Not so fast kid." Learco sighed tiredly. "It is way too early in the morning for you to be getting up to this kind of nonsense."

"Get offa me!" Donatello yelled as he struggled against the older boy's grip.

"Get outta the window." Learco echoed, mocking Donatello's word choice.

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