Can't Help Falling in Love

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Jaya watched you with worry from her place sitting on your bed. She had gotten back from her trip in the morning and decided to pay you a visit. It was a complete shock when she found out you were leaving so soon after she got back. Just by talking on the phone it was obvious to her you hadn't slept much the night before, but you refused to acknowledge the observation. Instead, you focused on organizing your suitcase.

"You aren't seriously considering on going, are you?" The girl asked, despite the fact she had been watching you organize your clothes for the trip for the past fifteen minutes.

"I hate to say this, but I don't really have all that much of a choice." You sighed. "Jotaro already bought the ticket." You laughed lightly as you zipped up your suitcase. "Besides, if Jotaro goes alone, I'm afraid he's going to kill somebody.  I'm kind of the only choice he has for a mediator."

"I guess..." Jaya sighed, laying down on your mattress to stare up at the ceiling. "I just can't believe I left you alone for three days and you wound up in such a mess." The girl closed her eyes, still trying to wrap head around everything you had told her about. There was a boy staying with Learco at the bakery who was apparently falsely accused of stealing a pair of shoes. Apparently you had been helping to track down the real culprit until the fiasco with the Joestars came up. Even on top of that you were traveling to a town where there was a convicted serial killer running loose with a stand ability. Jaya couldn't help the worry that set into her features. "Aren't you basically trading one fight for another?"

"Well..." You had taken the time to weigh your options while not being able to sleep. Fighting an enemy stand sounded worlds better than staying with a feuding old couple at the moment. "Things aren't exactly the best here with the Joestars." You admitted. "I think I should get out of their hair while they figure things out..."

"That's fair." Jaya nodded, but she was still concerned. "What if you get hurt though?" You couldn't help the soft smile that crossed your features. Of course she was worried about that, you couldn't blame her after everything the two of you had been through.

"I guess I'll just have to be more careful like you keep telling me." You stopped what you were messing with to sit next to the girl on the bed.

"This isn't a joking matter Jojo..." The girl sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry." You replied softly as you slowly moved to lay next to her. It didn't take long for Jaya to pull you closer so she could bury her face in your chest. One of your hands lightly trailed up her back, tracing nonsensical shapes, while the other brushed some stray hair from her face. "I'll only be gone a week, with luck, Hermit Purple was wrong and we can chalk this trip up to a vacation."

"Maybe I just won't feel as safe without you around." The girl mumbled lowly into your chest. "I like having a big strong stand user looking after me." A laugh bubbled in your chest at the girl's reluctant admission. Jaya reveled in the sound. A genuine laugh out of you was such a rarity.

It was only in these little moments you had together she could see you like this. Not a care in the world. It was just the two of you enjoying the other's company.

Jaya gently tugged on the collar of your shirt, coaxing you to look down at her. She cupped your cheek and brought her lips to yours.

Before you could even process what had happened you could feel blood rushing to your cheeks and your rapid heartbeat in your ears. You felt like you could melt then and there as the girl looked up at you innocently for a reaction. Sometimes you wondered if she knew just how much power she held over you with simple actions like that. Jaya would never admit it, but she loved the flustered looks you gave her from actions as simple as holding your hand. Sometimes Jaya worried your heart would explode if she went any further than a simple peck on the lips.

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