Ever Read the Book Holes?

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The apartment was deathly quiet when you woke up in the morning. It was strange. You had grown accustomed to the sounds of Mr. Joestar already up eating breakfast and watching TV by the time you got out of bed. Confused, you glanced over at your alarm clock, only to find it was the time you would normally start your day.

Eventually you peeled yourself away from the comfort of your mattress to check outside your bedroom door. The lights were still off from the night before aside from a sliver of light peeking out from under the door of Joseph's office. Had he slept there? You never saw him go to bed.

Deciding not to bother the old man, you simply made your way out to the living room. You sighed as you passed the stacks of papers you had abandoned in favor of getting some sleep. You would have to clean them up after you got some food in your system.

Eventually you managed to tiredly trudge into the kitchen. After examining what was in the refrigerator for a moment you grabbed a carton of eggs and a skillet. While you weren't the greatest at cooking anything that wasn't sweet or a baked good, you prided yourself in making half decent scrambled eggs.

You turned on the stove and left it to heat up as you quickly switched on the radio to a random station so it would fill in the silence. It played a little jungle before a woman's voice started droning on about local events. Most of your attention was dedicated to not burning you breakfast.

"In other news," the reported continued blandly. "a very high-profile case in the town of Fort Wallace has come to a swift close." That caught you attention. Fort Wallace was the next town over from where you lived. Intrigued, you turned up the volume on the radio. "Ichiro Suzuki, the beloved and famous number fifty-one baseball player planned to donate a pair of his shoes to the Fort Wallace Foundation for disabled children. Unfortunately, the shoes were stolen in broad daylight just hours after being handed over by Ichiro himself. This morning, police revealed they caught the culprit and plan to charge them with the crime later today, however they have thus far kept the criminal's identity private."

The name of the burglar hadn't been revealed yet? Weird...usually the police in your area would jump at the chance the publicize an arrest. It didn't make much sense to keep the criminal's name a secret given the caliber of the crime, especially if they were already planning to charge them with the theft.

Deep in thought, you didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming up behind you.

"Morning Y/n."

"AH!" You almost jumped out of your skin at the unexpected greeting. "Oh, hey Jotaro..." You greeted awkwardly, watching as the man walked right past you in favor of turning on the coffee machine. "Care for some breakfast?" You asked, holding up the spatula you were using on the eggs, only to be met with silence. "Jotaro?" You asked again, glancing over at the man. He barely acknowledged you were there as he filled his coffee cup. It didn't seem he has mellowed out since the night before. He still seemed just as tense as before. The man's thousand-yard stare made you wonder if he was just deep in thought. That wasn't too out of character for him. "Okay..." You murmured turning back to your cooking when you didn't get any answer to your earlier question. Jotaro seemed to snap out of his trance after a moment.

"Sorry did you say something?" He asked, shaking his head. You turned off the stove and sat your eggs off to the side in favor of making your way to your mentor's side.

"Are...are you okay Jotaro?" You asked, glancing at the dark circles that were under his eyes. "You seem a bit out of it..."

"Its nothing you need to worry about Y/n." Jotaro quickly shook his head, avoiding your gaze. "Look...why don't you go out? You were working hard last night sorting all those papers."

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