Hey Brother

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You didn't let your interaction in the department store weigh on your mind more than it needed to. Lennia was in town. That didn't change anything. Sure, it made you a bit nervous, but there were so many other fish to fry at the moment. If she became a problem you'd cross that bridge.

Seeing the girl did get you thinking about home though, more specifically, the people you left behind. As you found a bench next to the entrance of Josuke's school, you fished back into your pocket, taking out your wallet. You opened it, being greeted by the usual photos of you and your mother, the Joestar family, and your friends, but the newest addition, the spirit photo of Dio seemed to stare back at you in a way none of the others could.

You were starting to come to terms with it. Dio being your father and all. It had gotten you thinking about...other things. Your hand mindlessly trailed to the beetle pendant around your neck.

The cool metal engraving of the characters for 'D', 'I', and 'O' could be felt under your fingertips. You remembered when Vita gave it to you. He was planning to toss it into the ocean had you not been in need of something to keep that damn arrow piece in. He told you it was from his father, a man he wanted nothing to do with.

The topic of Vita's parentage had come up once or twice. He was born just a few months after you, in Cairo Egypt, just like you. Realization hit you the night after you talked to Dio's spirit using Golden Soul. You had seen Vita and his brother's birth marks. At the time you first saw them you just thought it was an odd coincidence.

There had always been this...connection between you and the brothers. It wasn't that you didn't want to have siblings, in fact the thought of family made you ecstatic. But it was scary. How the hell were you even supposed to broach the subject? Other hypothetical and worst-case scenarios filtered through your mind. There was a phone booth right next to the school. You could just call.

Vita was one of the most accepting people you knew, he would understand. After thinking about it for another moment, you decided to stop thinking. You paced over the phone booth, several coins already in hand.

The metallic clang of each one going in the slot caused some second thoughts. After shaking your head a bit you decided to steel your nerves. Your fingers hovered hesitantly over the keypad for another minute before you punched in the number for the Vita family residence.

The dial tone thrummed in your ear before the line clicked. You were greeted by Vita's mother.

"Hello?" The woman's soft accented voice asked.

"Hi Ma'am..." You answered back.

"Y/n! Its so nice to hear from you!" The woman said cheerfully, you could almost hear making its way into her face. "How is my favorite child?" You give an airy laugh at the comment. It was a running joke between you and the woman, with how much time you spent at her house, you were practically her third child.

"I'm fine, maybe a little shaken up." You admitted tiredly.

"Is everything alright ruhi?" The Vita matriarch asked concerned. 'Ruhi' was a recurring nickname you had received from the woman. She liked to call you 'soul' in her mother tongue of Arabic. When you had asked her why, she simply told you it was because you brought more life into the family.

"Just tired from the traveling I think." You explained quickly. "Are your boys home? I need to talk to Vi- Sommar." It was always strange referring to the boy by his first name, sometimes you forgot he even had one.

"He's upstairs, I can go get him if you don't mind waiting?"

"That's perfectly fine." You replied. There was a brief pause and you heard the woman call Mannesh over to the phone.

Pierced by a Golden Soul: Diamond is Unbreakable x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now