Ever Read the Book Holes? Part: 2

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You made a stop at the Joestar's apartment to get a few things before heading to Fort Wallace, one of which being the set of car keys Mr. Joestar gifted you. Having a car despite living close to your school and work felt a bit useless, but like most things, Joseph insisted you keep the vehicle. Just as you were walking to the front door of the apartment you were stopped by Mrs. Joestar herself.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Suzie Q looked up from the book she was reading to see you, Learco, and Vita inching toward the door. Feeling like a deer in headlights, you froze. It had felt oddly quiet as you came in, you didn't think the woman was even sitting in the living room before you tried leaving just then.

"I uh..." You floundered with an excuse. It probably wouldn't be the best idea to tell her you were going to visit a jail in the next town over. Something about the stiff way the woman was sitting was making you worried. Was she mad? Upset? Thankfully, Vita jumped in. He quickly gave your guardian one of his typically off-putting smiles.

"There's a new insect exhibit at the Fort Wallace Central Museum!" Vita answered. You let out a breath and silently reminded yourself to thank the boy for the save when you left the apartment.

"Okay then." Suzie nodded, but didn't seem all that convinced by the story. "I'll have Rosas drive you over there." She said, returning her gaze to her book.

"You really don't have to do that Mrs. Joestar!" Learco politely interjected this time. "We can drive ourselves. We wouldn't want to bother anybody..."

"Nonsense!" Suzie Q smiled. "Rosas can take you." Learco and Vita turned to you, followed by Suzie Q. They were awaiting your input. There was a tense silence as Learco and Vita silently begged you to say no.

"Of course, Miss. Suzie." You nodded nervously.

"Good, I'll go fetch Rosas." Suzie clapped and left the room to call the Joestar family's dedicated assistant and chuffer. You merely avoided eye contact with the younger Martez brother as he crossed his arms.

"Really Jojo?" Learco gave you a disgruntled glare that you could only accept it.

"Not sure if this is entirely my fault..." You replied, slightly perturbed by the interaction with the old woman. "Suzie Q is a hard woman to say no to."

There wasn't anything wrong with being driven by Rosas per se. Over the past year Learco had simply grown an aversion to the older man's long-winded stories detailing how a "young vagabond like himself" should learn some proper manners. Many of Rosas' comments about your generation revolved around Learco and his choice in appearance.

That's exactly why the Martez brother immediately jumped to take the back seat when the Joestar's car rolled around. Vita slid in next to the hotheaded boy leaving you with the passenger's seat. It was quiet for the most part as Rosas kept his eyes on the road.

"Jeez..." Learco slid down in his seat slightly, looking around at the limousine you had practically dragged him to. "I don't think I'll ever get used to the Joestars and their fancy shi-" You turned around in your seat, shooting a warning glare at Learco. The boy paused before he sighted. "Stuff." He corrected himself flatly.

"Alright!" Rosas stopped the car and put it in park. "We're here!" He said, watching carefully as you and your friends got out of the car. "Have fun at the museum kids!" The man waved as he pulled away from the curb he had dropped you off on. You waved back awkwardly, waiting for the vehicle to leave your sight before turning to Vita and Learco.

"So..." Learco looked at you expectantly. "How far are we from the police station?"

"It's just across the street." Vita answered, pointing to a large white building with a flagpole in front of the entrance.

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