The Nijimura Brothers Part: 4

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"Uh..." Koichi ran up to you and Josuke looking concerned. "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine." Josuke replied. You completed your bandaging of the boy's leg and gave him a hand in standing up. Josuke winced as he balanced on his feet unevenly. He recovered quickly and turned to the third member of your group. "That was all a close call. Let's get out of here Koichi...quickly."

"No, we can't go yet!" You glanced at the corner of the room where a gravely injured Keicho laid, steam still coming off of his singed school uniform. You were reminded of all the chaos caused by that singular man. But you also noticed the absence of his pride and joy of a weapon. "The bow and arrow are around here somewhere. We have to find it!"

"Do you really want to go looking for that right now?" Josuke rose a brow at your demand. "Those guys talked about this being their dad's house, and I really don't want to run into the guy. In case you didn't notice, we both just barely survived that encounter. Just forget about it for now."

"Are you kidding?!" Koichi suddenly cut in. "That thing almost killed me, I'm not letting it hurt anyone else. You can stay right there I'll go get it with Y/n." You were taken aback by the small boy's determination. He was being surprisingly brave given the situation. Even after almost dying, he was taking everything in stride. "Let's go Y/n."

You were headed up a nearby set of stairs when Josuke spoke up.

"All right, hold up." Josuke walked over to meet you at the stairs. For a moment you were worried he was going to try persuading you to stop, but the boy smiled. "Let's smash that bow and arrow and then get the hell out of here together."

"There's an attic up this way." Koichi pointed at the stairwell. "It's the only place he could have stashed the bow and arrow."

Both you and Josuke followed the smaller boy up toward the attic. It was dark, but you could make out a door with a large heavy deadbolt on it. The rickety wooden door was haphazardly left ajar, meaning Keicho likely dropped the arrow inside in a hurry. It wasn't until your little group crept closer that you heard it.

The snarling. Monstrous croaking, and metallic clanging from a chain of some sort. Koichi and Josuke stopped in their tracks, finally hesitating.

"Hey, this is dangerous like I thought." Josuke grabbed for your hand to make you stop but missed. "Somethings in there."

You kept going, unafraid. There was no need to be. You remembered the conversations you'd had with Learco. He told you what he could, but according to your friend, Keicho didn't talk much. The one thing Learco was able to tell you about was a so-called monster that Keicho kept chained up. Learco's descriptions were fantastical and horrific, but based on the sounds coming from the attic, they were likely true.

You calmly walked up to the door and gently nudged it open a little more as Josuke and Koichi watched on in horror. Through the crack in the door, you found the arrow hanging from the wall. Your gaze slowly drifted toward the floor where a slack chain was laying and shifted slightly. Whatever was on the other end didn't seem all that happy. The animalistic grunting only got worse as the seconds passed by.

"What's in there?" Josuke whispered.

"M-maybe it's a dog?" Koichi suggested. Scratching and snarling caused the boy to flinch. "T-this is too scary!"

"Yeah...this is a bit unnerving..." Josuke nodded.

"C'mon, it can't be that bad..." You teased, grabbing the door handle. Just as you moved to push it open, a cold slimy green hand latched onto your wrist. You couldn't help screaming in surprise at being suddenly grabbed. The iron tight grip tugging you inside the attic. You tried removing the hand but it's clutch only tightened more painfully. "Okay! I was wrong!" You yelled while being dragged into the attic. "It can be bad. Very, very bad!"

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