Someone Needs -*Therapy*-

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The police had many questions when they arrived on scene, but there were very few you could actually answer. Apparently a neighbor heard the commotion brought on by the stand battle and alerted the authorities. They arrived to find Keicho's body, Josuke with a badly wounded leg, Okuyasu, Koichi, and yourself.

Despite the suspicious circumstances, the investigators didn't believe you or the other teens had anything to do with Keicho's body being tangled in the power lines. They asked for an account of what you'd seen, but didn't try digging too deep. It was while they were interviewing Josuke that one of the officers noticed his badly injured leg. Josuke played it off as him simply getting banged up during a scrap with a classmate.

The same officer who noticed Josuke's bad condition and partial limp suggested going to the hospital. The boy tried refusing but you joined in on insisting he get some stitches. You could wrap bandages around his leg to your heart's content, but you didn't have the skill or tools to properly close the new holes in his calf. Eventually the boy relented and allowed you to call a taxi.

So, you and Josuke soon found yourselves sitting in the waiting room at the nearby hospital. The back of the uncomfortable plastic chair dug into your spine as you stared at the clock on the adjacent wall. Bright lights reflected on white tiles that smelled of cleaning supplies and sanitizer.

"I'm fine Y/n really!" Josuke turned to you looking nervous.

"No you're not." You sighed. He had made a few attempts at getting out of seeing the doctor, but you weren't going to budge. "I messed up a lot of muscles and crap in my arm and got permanent damage from not getting medical attention." You explained tiredly. "I'm not letting that happen to you. And don't worry about hospital bill, I'll handle it." It was because of you that Josuke was injured in the first place, the least you could do is cover treating his wounds.

"But-" Josuke started. Before he could continue a nurse walked into the waiting room. She read something off the clipboard in her hand before boredly examining the residents in the waiting room.

"Josuke Higashikata, Dr. Guerilla is ready to see you." She watched you stand up and assist Josuke in balancing on his injured leg. "Follow me." The nurse yawned as you helped Josuke limp behind her.

The three of you passed by offices and examination rooms before the nurse stopped and knocked on one of them with a shiny gold nameplate that read 'Urban Guerilla M.D'. She motioned for you to go inside and quickly walked off. The door swung open to reveal a lanky red-haired man with coke-bottle glasses perched on the tip of his nose, Dr. Guerilla you presumed.

"Uh...hi?" You greeted. The doctor's eyes remained dim and disinterested as he stepped aside, allowing you and Josuke into his office. His expression only changed slightly when the reason for your visit became evident. You noticed the way his shoulders tensed when he noticed the gaping holes and dried blood peeking out from the edges of your improved bandaging job.

Dr. Guerilla led Josuke over to a place he could sit and you decided to stay out of the way. There wasn't much of a reason to worry, the doctor didn't seem like much of a threat, but you couldn't be certain. That was the real reason you were sticking near Josuke. The electricity stand could strike at any moment from anywhere. Your eyes trailed across the office. It was relatively modern, there was a computer, the table Josuke was currently being examined on was partially mechanized. Eventually you noticed the electrical socket right by your own leg. You cautiously sidestepped to get some distance from the plugs.

Was everything electronic going to be a problem? It was looking like you would have to keep a close eye out on almost everything if that were the case. Was everything in the area connected to the same power grid? You would have to find out what parts of Morioh were connected through power lines and the electrical grid. You would have to find out what was connected to the Nijimura home.

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