He Did WHAT?!

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It had only been a few hours.

Despite things looking fine on the outside, tensions were high among the Joestar family. Jotaro decided to give the old couple their space, leaving you to deal with the fallout. You would be mad at Jotaro for leaving you high and dry if you didn't understand wanting to get out of the apartment.

After the initial screaming match, the old couple stopped talking altogether. The once laughter filled home you lived in was now dead silent. You subconsciously felt responsible, the affair only came to light because you found those old documents. Personally, you couldn't believe everything that happened. It all went so fast.

Joseph Joestar had an affair at the ripe old age of sixty-two. It was odd to think that the old man had a child that was the about the same age as you. It was conflicting for you to process. Part of you was absolutely disgusted that the man could do such a thing, betray his wife's trust, then be so irresponsible as to not know about his own kid. The tiniest part in the back of your mind just wanted things to go back to normal as fast as possible, but that was just naïve thinking.

You had gotten ready for bed, you had nothing better to do, however your conflicted feelings on what was going on was keeping you from drifting off to sleep. Now you were just laying on top of your bedsheets while trying to figure out where to go from here. Just as you were considering on turning out your lights a gentile knock came from your door. You gave whoever it was permission to enter, surprisingly enough, it was Joseph.

"Hey kid. Can we uh...talk?"

"Sure I guess?" You sighed, sitting up and scooting over to give the man room to sit next to you. Even as he stood in front of you, the buzzing in your head wouldn't stop. He didn't look like he came to grovel or make excuses. There were noticeable bags under his eyes, only accentuated by the deep worried wrinkles that folded his face into a look of regret. The bit of youthful light that he always seemed to have was extinguished. For the first time since you had met him, he not only looked old, he felt old. Tired almost.

"I...fucked up." The old man mused bluntly as he sat down. You couldn't help the slight laugh that unintentionally left your lips. Leave it to the old Joestar to lighten your spirits even when you were angry as all hell at him.

"You're telling me."

"I just wanted to apologize for all of the madness you saw earlier." Joseph fiddled with his cane slightly as he spoke. "You weren't supposed to see all that." Jotaro thought you would be out longer with your friends. It wasn't all that odd for you to randomly insist on having a sleepover with Jaya or Vita. The two men were hoping things would fall into their usual place while they sorted out everything surrounding the affair. "Believe it or not, it was worse before you walked in." The couple had to put themselves on hold when you unexpectedly dropped by to grab your car keys earlier in the day.

"Is that why Suzie didn't want me to drive to the museum?" You asked having noticed Rosas was driving extremely slowly when taking you to and from Fort Wallace.

"That one was all Suzie...I'm so sorry Y/n." Joseph took a deep breath. Some of your anger began to simmer down as you realized the man was genuinely trying to make you feel better about the situation. "Jotaro suggested I talk to you about what I should do." Joseph looked at you hesitantly. "He said it worked for him."

You shook your head. As someone who never met their father it was hard to ignore your personal bias on the matter. For someone who could only ever assume their father didn't care, you only hoped Joseph would try contacting his kid. It would be the kind of closure you yourself had always wanted.

"Whoever this kid is, I think you should at least go meet him."

Before you could explain what you meant, a new set of footsteps brought your attention up towards your doorway. Jotaro paused at the threshold for a moment. You were surprised to see him given you watched him leave the apartment hours ago. Jotaro didn't seem to expect Joseph to already be talking with you.

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