Still in Florida

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Doing homework sucked. Jaya now realized doing homework for her friends while they investigated a robbery sucked more. Having Vita for company made the process a bit more bearable.

With you across the Pacific ocean, calculus class seemed like the last thing she should be focused on.

Jaya dropped her pencil on the table and glanced over at Donatello. He was in the living room looking at a few pictures you had hanging on the wall. Jaya couldn't entirely understand why Learco insisted the boy was trouble. The girl leaned on her palm and looked over at Vita. The boy had a carrot dangling from his mouth as he glared down at the textbook in front of him.

Before she could ask if he needed any help she noticed Donatello taking the photo he was staring at off the wall. He examined the photo closely before turning to Jaya.

"So how long have you and Y/n been together?" He asked, pointing at the picture. Jaya froze while Vita choked on the carrot he was chewing.

"Excuse me?" Jaya asked incredulously.

"W-what?" Vita sputtered, still coughing up bits of carrot.

Donatello rose a brow at the reaction and decided to walk closer. He held up the picture and pointed at the leftmost side. Jaya recognized the photo, it was of your little friend group after a long day on the beach.


It had been the fourth of July and Learco insisted on celebrating, solely because he wanted an excuse to set off some fireworks. Nobody knew how he managed to get them. The five of you spent the day on the beach, messing around, swimming, and generally having some fun.

By the time the sun was setting things had calmed down, and Learco was having trouble setting off his celebratory explosives.

Jaya had tried helping him, but Learco insisted on solving the problem himself. Eventually Jaya found herself sitting next to you watching the stars while waiting on the show. The two of you were never really discrete about how you felt about one another, but you also hadn't really talked about it either.

Maybe it was the moonlight or the genuine smile painting your features, but Jaya thought you looked ethereal.

Jaya had noticed some sand stuck to your cheek and gently brushed it off.

The next moment she found herself leaning in to kiss you. She hadn't meant to do it, but your dumbfounded reaction was priceless. Eventually your mind caught up with your racing heart and you smiled.

You kissed her back just as Learco managed to set off the fireworks.


The photo Donatello was holding was taken a few minutes later. You were standing next to Jaya with your arm around her waist.

"The two of you seem really close." Donatello said, looking up at Jaya expectantly. Jaya felt warmth creeping up her cheeks. She glanced over at Vita who was now looking at her quizzically.

"Uh- we certainly get along well I would say." Jaya answered nervously. Despite your short conversation before you left, she wasn't entirely sure about spilling the beans with you so far away. It didn't feel right. Unfortunately, Jaya wasn't prepared to lie about such a thing.

The girl's gaze slowly panned over to Vita whose expression was nothing short of flabbergasted. The two maintained awkward eye contact before Donatello cleared his throat.

"Sure... if you say so." He said skeptically, moving to put the picture frame back on the wall. "I was just curious." The two teens watched as he left. There was a short silence as Jaya went back to working on her homework.

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