Welcome to Morioh Part 1

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You only stayed at the Kujo family residence for the night before leaving. Jotaro bid his mother a loving goodbye before catching a train bound for the small town of Morioh.

It was still early morning by the time the two of you finally made it to the small town. After calling a taxi, the two of you made it to the Morioh Grand Hotel to briefly rest before searching for Joseph's son.

You and Jotaro each had separate rooms across from one another. When Jotaro was booking them, you had insisted you could sleep on a couch or something but he booked two separate rooms anyways. As you entered the large ornate building you couldn't help but think Morioh 'Grand' Hotel was a fitting descriptor. When you asked Jotaro how much the trip was costing him the only response he gave was 'money isn't a concern.' Both of your rooms were huge and you felt it was entirely too fancy for you to be staying in alone.

You tried to keep yourself occupied, practicing some Japanese and acquainting yourself with the room. However you didn't like the quiet emptiness of the space, so you decided to pop over to Jotaro's to see if he was rested enough to head out.

You walked across the hall to his room and lightly knocked on the door. After a full minute with no response, you got worried.

As far as you knew he hadn't gone anywhere. The air around you shifted and suddenly felt heavy, almost unbreathable. You could feel your chest tighten, your heart beating painfully against your ribcage. A few dark thoughts entered your mind. Was he okay? Did a stand attack while you weren't around? The longer you looked at the hotel door the more your mind tricked you into seeing the door of your old house.

Once you realized how quickly you were breathing you tried to steady yourself. Unfortunately this had become a common occurrence. Anxiety took over your mind with only slight triggers. You assumed it came with the territory of being a stand user. And also...the trauma of violently losing someone close to you.

After slowly calming yourself down you knocked on the door again. No answer. You retrieved your spare key to Jotaro's room and opened the door. The room lights were on and you were greeted by the sight of Jotaro on the balcony. Your friend had his back turned and the sliding glass door was closed. He was facing away from you, but the grey clouds lightly billowing around him told you he was smoking. In your short time of knowing him, Jotaro rarely smoked. You had only personally seen him doing it once or twice. According to Mr. Joestar, Jotaro started waning away from tobacco after Jolyne was born.

From what you could gather he did it to relieve stress.

Not wanting to interrupt, you slowly backed out of the entryway. After silently closing the door you headed back to your own room. Despite the fact it was early in the day, you didn't feel tired at all. Jet lag had completely messed up your sleeping schedule. Checking the alarm clock next to your bed you found it was only six in the morning. You flopped on the hotel bed and absently looked at the ceiling. You felt restless just staying in your room. This had been a VERY last minute trip so you hadn't exactly had the foresight to bring anything to entertain yourself. You were planning to force yourself to sleep when you saw something of interest on the nightstand next to the clock.

A radio? You fiddled with the dials a bit and the speakers whirred to life with static. After fiddling some more an animated voice sprang forth through the noise, starting off soft and getting louder as you found the right channel.

"GooOoooooOd morning everyone Morioh!" You turned the volume to a reasonable setting (not so loud it would disturb your neighbors, loud enough you changed your clothes) and started getting ready for the day ahead. "For local announcements, Budogawaka high school is going into session today! Good luck on the new year students!" You half paid attention to the boring news, really you just appreciated your room wasn't completely silent anymore. "In other news, a recent spike in crime has local police stumped. There have been a slew of missing persons reported, along with three bodies found in the Morioh area" You tensed upon hearing that. You waited for the newscaster to elaborate but some cheery pop music started playing instead. Sighing, you turned off the radio. This was exactly what Jotaro had been worried about. You didn't have the resources to look into anything at the moment so you wrote a note to yourself about the missing persons.

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