The Nijimura Brothers Part: 1

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"Maybe I saw a ghost." Koichi murmured, leaning in and poking his head through the gap in the house's front gate.

"Koichi get back!" You pulled the boy backwards just in time for the gate to slam shut. Quickly, you ducked back behind the wall that fenced off the front yard.

"Holy shit!" Koichi yelled, toppling over next to you behind the wall. Josuke, who was still standing, watched the gate snap closed where Koichi's neck would have been. That wouldn't have only hurt, it could have easily pinned the boy in place or even broken his neck.

"Twerp! Don't go around peeping in other people's houses!" Okuyasu scolded, leaning the weight of his leg onto the gate where Koichi would have been.

"Are you nuts?" Josuke yelled, still taken aback by Koichi's close call with the gate.

"Listen here!" Okuyasu licked his lips as he examined Josuke up and down. "My old man owns this house. Don't you dare go snooping around here again."

"I don't give a damn whose house this is." Josuke growled. "You just about took my friend's head off you bastard!"

"Hey now, its not nice to call people names." Okuyasu pointed an accusatory finger and smirked. "Especially when you don't know me, and you're on my property. Didn't anyone teach you manners?"

"I can teach you how to shut the hell up!" Josuke's face was chillingly blank, but you could see the fiery hot rage boiling behind his eyes.

Koichi moved to say something, but you slapped a hand over his mouth and motioned for him to stay quiet. The boy indignantly removed your hand and sent you a glare.

"What the hell is going on?!" Koichi whisper shouted.

"Listen-" You put your hands on the boy's shoulders and fixed him with stern warning look. "Koichi you need to run now. The guys in that house are dangerous. When the coast is clear, you need to get yourself out of here." You explained in a hushed tone.

"This is crazy!" Koichi frantically looked around before escaping from your grip and standing up. "I- I'm getting out of here!"

The boy was running before you could stop him.

"No! Koichi wait its not safe!" You reached out for Koichi, but stopped dead in your tracks as you felt air rush past your ear.

In the blink of an eye, there was an arrow sticking out of Koichi's neck. The street went silent, even the birds were quiet as you and Josuke watched Koichi fall to the ground. Blood quickly started spurting from the wound as the boy gave a few gargled breaths.

Images flashed in your mind. Labored breaths, fading pulse, sirens. Blood.

"Koichi!" Josuke screamed, bringing you back to reality. You struggled to tare your eyes from the scene of Koichi bleeding out. After finally getting yourself to turn away, you traced where the arrow could have been shot from. It was the same window Koichi pointed out earlier.

"Bro?" Okuyasu turned to the house, looking up at the window questioningly. It was too dark in the decrepid house to properly see the man's face from the street, but you knew who it was. You didn't need to see his face, you already sensed his soul. You knew Keicho Nijimura was smirking down at you from the rotting windowsill. Last you actually saw Keicho, your roles were reversed. He attacked you from the street as you stood unsuspecting at your window.

"Do you want to know why I shot that boy with an arrow Okuyasu?" Keicho's voice boomed from above. "Because the other two down there are Josuke Higashikata, the stand user that took out Angelo, and Y/n Jones, the nuisance that got in our way!"

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