Head Above Water

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"I'll call you back when I can, someone's at the door. Love you Jay. Bye!" You hung up then froze. It occurred to you that Vita was standing next to Jaya. That was going to be a fun situation to explain to the boy later.

Another round of knocking came from your door, louder and more rushed than before. Spatula was definitely waking up your hotel neighbors with his barking. You ran over to the door, doing your best to placate the irritated Doberman.

Opening the door merely revealed Jotaro, the only person you expected to be on the other side.

"I'm headed to Josuke's house."

"Good morning to you too Mr. Kujo." You greeted sarcastically. There was still a tenseness between yourself and Jotaro after your conversation in the car. You were trying your best to be cordial with the man but you couldn't deny you were still angry with him.

"Josuke called. He caught Angelo." Jotaro explained before turning on his heels. "I'm headed over there."

"He did what?! All on his own?" You asked in shock. Josuke had a powerful stand and enough imagination to know how to use it right, but Angelo was a dangerous man. Jotaro spent half an hour lecturing you the previous night for trying to fight him (even if your interaction with Angelo was unintentional on your part). You weren't exactly an expert, but you knew a little bit about stand battling at this point, how did Josuke manage to catch a stand that manipulated water? Jotaro was already walking away from your door by the time your mind caught up with what he had said. "Hold up a sec I can help." You called, making a sudden scramble to find your shoes.


The response was quick and final. Something about his tone made you uneasy.

"What?" You asked hesitantly. "But I can help, isn't this why you brought me along?" Jotaro stopped and sighed.

"Stay here Y/n." He said coldly. Your chest suddenly felt a lot tighter. "You already got hurt fighting Angelo, I don't need you getting in the way again."

"Oh..." Your mind completely blanked. After everything that happened, Suzie Q and Joseph fighting, finding out about your father, Keicho lurking around, Angelo getting the drop on you, it already felt like too much. But Jotaro, your mentor, telling you to stay out of the way? Having your anxieties about being a burden confirmed? It was the straw to break the camel's back. You had been trying to keep it together, told yourself that everything was fine. It wasn't.

Jotaro seemed to notice his mistake when he suddenly stopped and turned your way.


"Go help Josuke." You muttered, quietly cursing the way your voice cracked. "I'll be here when you're done."

You didn't mean to slam the door as you entered back into your room. Hot frustrated tears were already silently running down your cheeks. After taking a moment to try processing what was happening, you leaned against the wall and slid down into a seated position. Your heart was pounding in your ears. Shallow choppy breaths unevenly left your lungs.

The thoughts you were trying to block out all night were finally making it past your walls.

What could you even reasonably do? You couldn't help anyone. Not even yourself! You spent every day juggling work and school and family-

What responsibility you did have you dumped on your friends before fucking off to Japan for god knows how long. And now that you were here you weren't even needed. You weren't strong enough to help. You couldn't protect yourself from Angelo, what hope did you have at helping Jotaro? You couldn't even protect your mom-

Your stomach sunk as the thought crossed your mind.

"Mom..." A choked sob escapes as another bout of tears ran down your cheeks. You spent late nights training, working, and wondering about all the things you could have done differently that night.

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