7 • Some Tea

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The next morning you awoke in your bed chambers in Draco's home. Memories of the day before flooded your mind. You sat up quickly, breathing heavily.

What did I do?

You looked around the room, realising how beautiful it was. The night before had been dark, and thruthfully, you had other things on your mind besides wallpaper and interior.

The room was themed by the Slytherin colours. The carpet fluffy and dark green. Dark silky curtains covered the windows almost completely, the sun peeking slightly through the slim opening. The wallpaper was green as well, with a lovely golden brocade pattern spread across it.

Sighing you slumped your upper body back into the mattress, your hair sprawled over the pillow. Looking up towards the roof you let your mind wander once again to what had happened the night before, this time however, instead of getting the feeling of panic you felt something completely different. It felt like your lower abdomen was tying a knot, and the ache from last night came back.

You groaned as you covered your face with your hands. Trying to wrap your head around how you even got yourself into that situation to begin with.

Either way, you'd liked it.

A knock on the door made your heart race as you lifted up the sheet to cover your chest, stressed you tried to shuffle out of the big bed, only to find yourself on the floor not a second later. With a thud you had fallen on your shoulder, and then on your face. Sighing you cursed under your breath, loving how your morning just started. Your cheek was pressed against the soft carpet as you heard the door open. You shuffled, propping yourself up on an elbow, carefully patting your head where you'd hit the floor.

«What happened? I heard-» Draco stopped dead in his tracks. «Oh, I'm sorry», he quickly turned around, noticing you weren't dressed yet. Your sheets covering most of you, but your legs and hip poking out on the side. You quickly sat up trying to cover yourself more.

«No, don't be sorry. I got wrapped up in the sheets and I fell, I'm just clumsy», you said and laughed.

«Did you hurt yourself?» he asked softly, peeking behind his shoulder to see if he was okay to turn around to face you.

«I didn't, I promise», you replied, giving him a reassuring smile as he were facing you now.

Smiling at each other awkwardly you were both startled by heavy footsteps walking closer to the door that Draco hadn't closed fully. His father stopped as he noticed his son in your room. He eyed the both of you, clenching his jaw.

«Can't keep your hands off each other I see», he said slowly. You pulled the sheets further up to your face, internally wishing you could bury yourself into the mattress again and hide.

Draco ran his fingers through his hair anxiously, sweat forming on his forehead. «Father, do I have to remind you again that you promised to leave us alone?» he asked impatiently, surprising you by what you considered a lack of respect towards his father.

«And I told you to behave», he replied with the same husky voice that had made you feel all kinds of things not too many hours ago. His grip on his walking stick was tight, wearing his gloves the leather slightly squeaked while his grip shifted.

«But this is not-», Draco tried to explain, but was interrupted by you.

«Draco, please», you looked up at him, hoping he understood your pleading eyes, wanting him to leave the room so you could get dressed.

Lucius looked at you with an angry glare as your eyes met. You swallowed a lump in your throat as goosebumps formed on your skin. Your sore bottom reminded you of the man's demands from the night before. Feeling as if you had disappointed him you looked down on the ground.

Draco scratched the back of his head stressfully as he tried to figure out the situation. Looking down he informed you that the others were gathering for breakfast, before you'd all hang out on the balcony to enjoy the last of the summer's sun. The older one huffed and continued his way down the corridor. Draco muttered an apology to you before he left and closed the door behind him.

Letting out your third sigh that morning you wondered how things just kept getting worse.


Having put on a pair of black jeans and a white blouse, you applied a small amount of makeup before you went down to the dining room where you had dinner the previous day.

Jade stood up quickly as she saw you appear in the room, running over to you to tug on your arm.

«You need to tell them what you saw! Do you think it was The Dark Lord?», Jade exclaimed. The mentioning of Voldemort grabbed everyone's attention, besides Blaise and Pike who were still asleep.

You raised your eyebrows at your bestfriend as you laughed, «I'm sure I would've known if it was him, Jade», you said, sitting down by the table.

Goyle passed you a plate that had your favourite sandwich on it. You shot him a smile.

«Then what did you see?» Theodore asked tunelessly. Picking his teeth with a toothpick.

«It was a dark figure, and it scared me. It was quite far away, and I ran the second I saw it», you said, having a bite of your food. Crumbs falling to your plate.

Crabbed snickered, «must have been the alcohol», he said trying to embarrass you.

«Could've been», you answered quickly. Knowing it couldn't have. You had only had a couple of drinks.

Jade sat down next to Theodore, he poked her side making her giggle by his touch. She flipped her long black hair over her shoulder, her eyes glistening. She seemed happy, and it made you smile contently as you poured yourself some tea.

«You scared Draco last night», she said, biting her bottom lip, attempting to stop herself from smirking. Theodore cleared his throat. Pansy glared at her.

«I didn't mean to», you shrugged and tried to cool your tea by blowing on it softly.

Draco walked into the room just then, his face red. You looked over at him, your face filled with worry.

Pansy ran over to him, patting his shoulder. «Are you okay Draco?», she asked. He hummed a reply and walked to the table to get some tea. Your gaze had followed him the entire time, but you realised that he didn't seem to want to look at you.

Did his father yell at him?

Theodore was whispering in Jade's ear, making her giggle more. They didn't seem to notice Draco's behaviour.

«Are you okay Draco?», you repeated Pansy's question.

«He said yes», she sneered at you, sitting down close to the blonde haired boy. He seemed to find his mug very entertaining as he kept staring at it.

Maybe he didn't argue with his father. Maybe he felt embarrassed almost walking in on you naked.

Crabbe and Goyle stuffed their faces with food, not really noticing their friend's behaviour either. You decided to ignore it, trusting his «yes» as what it was.

You drank your tea.


Moving from the dining room to the balcony you had to walk through a long corridor in the manor. The corridor was dark as the rest of the house, but had large portraits on the wall of the family as well as people you didn't recognise. It also had silk fabrics draped along the wall, as if they were there to frame windows - yet there were none.

You stopped in front of one of Draco's father. He posed in a completely black suit, wearing a crimson red shirt underneath, buttoned all the way up. His walking stick in his hand, the silver head of the snake shining slightly reflecting the light of the camera. He looked quite formal. He looked good.

«Y/N! Are you coming?», Jade yelled at you, standing in the balcony door, her dark blue cat eye sunglasses resting on her nose. You quickly nodded at her, «yes», you replied. Looking up at Mr. Malfoy's stern face one more time, you closed your eyes for a second before you jogged over to the balcony. Trying to push the man out of your thoughts.

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