42 • High Horse

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A couple of days later you'd hardly spent any time with your own daughter, as you'd taken more time in the library studying. Madam Pomfrey was serving as a nanny full time and you saw she was feeling tired. But she kept telling you she was enjoying it, and not to feel bad.

However, when you arrived to pick Scarlet up after your last period, you couldn't see the child.

«She is here somewhere», she breathed, exhausted from running around.

«How long have you been looking?», you asked as you felt your heart beat faster.

«Just a couple of minutes», she said, sounding stressed.

«Don't tell me she's gone?»

«I'm sure she is here somewhere», she said, her voice brittle.

«Scarlet?», you whisper-yelled.

You both hurriedly looked around the room, pulling the bedding out of the beds, looking behind all the curtains and emptying a box of towels.

«Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god», you exclaimed as you widened your eyes at the matron.

«I'm so so-sorry», she shrieked as her face turned white.

Looking at the door you realised your little toddler must have gotten out even before you'd made it there. «I'll run look», you said.

Running down the corridor you made a left, opposite from where you'd come from, as you hadn't seen her there. Then you heard a female scream of surprise, and decided to follow the noise.

«Oh my god, it's a baby», the voice exclaimed and you felt yourself getting sweaty with stress. But at the same time you felt relieved.

Rounding the corner you saw Scarlet sitting in the middle of the corridor, tugging on a Hufflepuff girl's robe. More and more students gathered around to see what was going on. Out of the crowd Argus Filch pushed past the students.

«What is this nonsense?», his rough voice rang through the corridor. As his eyes found the little girl he raised his eyebrows in surprise. «What have we here?», he was about to reach down and pick her up when you approached him, noticably out of breath.

«She's mine, I'm sorry, I lost sight of her», you said, making the students whisper amongst themselves.

«Yours? You're a student», he pointed out.

«And your point is?», you snapped as you picked up the girl who squealed in happiness at the sight of you.

«The Headmaster would surely like to know about this», he said, gritting his teeth.

«He already knows», you protested.

«Spare your lies, they don't work on me, missy», he grabbed your arm and proceeded to pull you through the many corridors on his way to Dumbledore's office.

«It's true, he really does know, let me go», you tugged on him but he wouldn't listen.

«That's what a liar would say», he drawled.

Students stared at the three of you as you walked past. You felt embarrassed as this wasn't how you'd imagined to show off Scarlet. Then down another corridor you saw Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick talking, and you had to cover Scarlet's eyes, hoping she wouldn't notice him and scream bloody murder. The mere thought of it made your blood run cold.

«Filch, Dumbledore really does know, just let me go», you protested again, but the old man seemed determined to take you to the Headmaster for a scolding.

«I will laugh when he expells you for bringing that into the castle», he sneered.

«That is my daughter», you hissed and he groaned. He stopped replying.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now