46 • Wet Blanket

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Apparating to the Malfoy Manor was more intense than you could have imagined it to ever be. Not because it usually made you sick and dizzy, but because Severus had reached out to hold your hand. You knew he did so in order for you to come with him, but under the circumstances his touch was much needed - craved even - and you had felt deprived of the luxury of reaching for him yourself. His skin was warm and you'd always felt as if your small hand fit into his as if it had been carved out for that exact purpose.

Albus Dumbledore had given Snape permission to apparate on school grounds due to the previous callings of The Dark Lord. Now, he only did so if there was a necessity stronger than laziness.

You found yourself on the grounds of the manor. Standing in a patch of darkness Snape let go of your hand immediately. A sting of hurt touched upon your heart, but you couldn't blame him. The past 24 hours had been quite emotional and revealing in many ways. And apparently it just kept on going. The sight of the manor brought back memories, but you pushed them aside, knowing they no longer mattered to you.

Snape walked quickly towards the manor, his robes billowing after him. The wind danced through his hair as well, and you wondered if you would ever get the chance to hold it and feel it between your fingers again. Trying to keep up with him you struggled to keep yourself together, as the painful longing of your child washed over you like a ton of bricks.

Where are you Scarlet? Are you okay?

«Severus», you whisper-yelled after him as his long strides took him further and further away from you. The sound of your voice made him stop, waiting for you he couldn't help it as his anger just rolled off his tongue.

«Had you listened to me all those years ago we wouldn't have been in this situation. I told you he is not a person you should get involved with», he hissed.

«What do you want to hear, Severus? I know it was a stupid decision. I was stupid. Is that it? You wan't me to tell you how dumb I was? Don't you think I already hate myself for this?»

Snape just looked at you, staring at your lips as you hissed back at him. He wasn't really sure what he wanted. But hearing you say such awful things about yourself wasn't it.

Before he had the chance to reply, you were both startled by a light coming from a room in the manor. Quickly you hid behind a bush and tried to make out the figure standing there. But it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

«Let's split», Snape suggested. You weren't sure if he said so because he wanted to get away from you, or if he really thought it was the best idea. But it wasn't the time for arguing, so you just nodded, knowing he didn't take lightly to your lack of cooperation.

Leaving Snape's side you felt more focused somehow. Running to the backside of the manor you quietly snuck in the door. You nearly stumbled as you crashed into a familiar house elf. «Shit, sorry», you whispered. The house elf seemed to recognise you as well as he smiled.

«Miss Y/LN, do you require to see the Master?», he asked politely. You smiled back, pretending as if you'd come by invitation.

«Yes, please», you said kindly, «but I don't want to take up your time. Would you just point me in the right direction?», you asked.

«Certainly», the house elf said and pointed down the hall, «the office».

Smiling again you nodded politely as you tried to walk as quietly as you could muster down the corridor. The memories of the summer two years ago flashed before your eyes once more. Stopping in front of the large portrait of Mr. Malfoy, however, you definitely didn't feel the same as last time. There was just something about kidnapping a child that made someone less diserable.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now