59 • Gladrags Wizardwear

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Long chapter. You're welcome.

Smut ahead.


The weekend came around pretty quickly. You'd hardly seen Snape as you'd spent so much time in the library, and he in his office. Apparently working at night was something he had gotten used to over the years, but by the amount of homework he was giving he had no one else to blame but himself. However, it could be an old habit, as he didn't seem to have much else to do until you came around.

You had said yes to go to Hogsmeade to look for clothes for the ball with Draco. Once you'd also accepted his offer to go with him you'd actually started to feel excited. Going with a friend was going to make it fun, and if he really was in a tight spot with Astoria at the moment at least you didn't have to be the third wheel.

Pike hadn't asked Luna yet, but he had come with you to Hogsmeade to find clothes and alcohol. This time you all knew exactly where the secret passageway was, so getting it back was no problem. Also, you weren't the only ones with that idea as most seventh years went through the passageway as if it really wasn't secret anymore. At least none of the professors seemed to know about it.

Walking into Gladrags Wizardwear, you wondered what type of dress you wanted. The store seemed to have an endless amount of choices. Draco's eyes went straight to a deep emerald velvet suit, making you raise your eyebrows in surprise.

«A bit tacky, isn't it?», you asked.

«Tacky? It's amazing», he pointed out as he ran his fingertips over the fabric.

«Try it on then», you laughed.

Draco pulled the suit off the hanger and went straight for the dressing room. You walked ahead and mindlessly let your fingers trace over the many dresses that hung on the wall. Pike walked up behind you and cleared his throat.

«Anything going on between the two of you?», he asked curiously.

«Draco and I?», you asked, surprise evident in your tone, «no, we're just friends».

«Right», he seemed confused.

«People can go to the ball with friends can't they? If they... don't have a love interest?», you asked.

«Yeah, of course, I just... you two seem so close», he pointed out and shrugged.

«We are, but not like that», you laughed, «well, there was a time where it could have been something, but nothing really happened».

«Really?», he asked, «that explains why Pansy acts like that around you».

You rolled your eyes, «tell me about it».

«Look», Draco stepped out and held out his hands, feeling very pleased with himself. You both walked closer.

«Wow», Pike said.

«Looks better than I thought», you admitted. The suit fit him perfectly seeing as it was lined with magic that helped hug the body in all the right ways. The velvet suit itself was emerald green, but it had black linings and details in silk, and somehow Draco managed to look pretty good.

«Told you», he inclined his chin in arrogance as he looked at himself in the mirror. You felt chills go down your spine at his resemblance to his father.

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Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now