17 • Bite Me

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Smut ahead.

Please skip that part it if it's not your cup of tea.
You've been warned.


It had been a couple of days since you'd cried in your professor's office. A couple of days since Mr. Malfoy had tried to frame you for an act you had not comitted. You'd understood, however, that the blonde arrogant wizard was playing a game. And knowing that he didn't win, you had wondered how he would retaliate. But besides glancing at you in the corridors or during dinner, he hadn't spoken to you. It saddened you. Something inside you craved his attention and validation. Perhaps that was his retaliation.

Detention had been awkward. Luckily Professor Snape seemed to ignore what had happened. At least he hadn't brought it up again.

It had been on your mind though. You didn't know if it was because your body longed for the satisfaction Mr. Malfoy had previously given you, but the way your professor had attempted to tame your outburst had not taught you anything but the fact that you found it sexy. And you knew that was bad. At the same time you felt embarrassed that he was there to witness you passing a breaking point, spilling your emotional feelings within a closer radius than you knew he was comfortable with. Hopefully he would just keep ignoring it.

«Y/N? Hello?», the sound of Jade's voice burst your bubble. Having sat by a table in the library with a book in front of you, your head resting in the palm of your hand, propped up on your elbow, you'd managed to float away deep into your own thoughts.

«Uh, yes», you said, clearing your throat, shifting in your seat. Jade looked at you as if you'd told an awfully bad joke.

«What's up? It definitely wasn't the book you were thinking about», she said, turning a page in her own.

«It's nothing. Just a lot on my mind», you brushed it off, pretending to get back into your reading.

«How's detention been? I can't believe you have to get up so early», she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

«It's okay, he only makes me do homework, so I guess it's good for me», you said and shrugged.

«I think it's weird for him to only now be giving you detention when you took that picture months ago», she looked at you, one of her eyebrows raised.

«I know, that's what I said», you sighed. Jade rolled her eyes.

«How did he find it, anyway? You didn't say», she asked, using her dark raven hair she started twirling it around her finger.

«Some shitty hufflepuff brought it to Dumbledore, and Professor Snape recognised it from that time», you lied.

«Of course they did. Why did you still have it though?», she asked, looking around she noticed Theodore entering the library. Her face lit up.

«I don't know, because it's funny?», you said, seeing who she was so happy to see you were the one to roll your eyes. Their relationship starting to annoy you. Theodore walked over to Jade and gently kissed her, her cheeks turning red. He dragged out a chair to sit on, making a loud noise as he did so. People around hushed him.

«What are you girls up to?», he asked.

«Just doing some homework», Jade replied, twirling her hair, looking at the boy next to her with love in her eyes. Theodore noticed her stares, and smirked at her. «Do you have time for... a break?», he asked.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now