55 • Be Careful

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The next morning you woke up with bloodshot eyes. Draco wasn't there, despite your effort in a heated conversation with Professor McGonagall. It didn't matter to you if he really had thought about kissing you, he was your friend and you both needed support. But rules are rules, she made that clear.

You had hardly slept, but managed to get a couple of hours in, only to be able to cope for the sake of your daughter.

It took a lot from you not to signal him with your necklace, like you'd done before. But he would think you were in danger, and you definitely didn't want to scare him without there being a reason to do so. You did, however, wonder why he hadn't tried to contact you in any way. McGonagall had explained that he was probably doing his absolute best in assisting the Ministry in catching the bitch (not her word of choice, mind you), thus being too busy to do anything else.

When he had told you he had to leave you never would have imagined that you would spend three nights wondering where the hell he were, and if he was okay.

Last night when you had tried to convince Professor McGonagall to let Draco stay she had taken the opportunity to tell you off for not being in classes - again. When you'd started crying, however, she had apologised for being so stern and said she was just awfully stressed and you realised she was probably as worried as you were. Well, almost.

Nevertheless, she had said she would like you to attend your classes and she would personally check in on Scarlet in the hospital wing whenever she could. Of course you had protested, but she swore on her safety and reminded you that Snape would've wanted you to listen to her.

So that was how you found yourself in Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, listening to Remus Lupin talk about defensive spells and dementors. Apparently the dementors of Azkaban had rebelled during the war, and joined Voldemort. According to Lupin, they had been given a better offer once the war was over and returned to their previous positions by the prison.

«Now, it is important that you practice casting your patronus. Did you already succeed when we worked on them last year before the war hit I still want you to keep practicing. It is also important that you focus on your defensive spells, we do not know what will happen now that Bellatrix Lestrange is out there», he said, and the students of the classroom began whispering. He was the first professor to have adressed the situation, apart from Dumbledore who had reminded everyone to be safe and stay within the castle walls at all times.

«Professor», Hermione Granger raised her hand. He smiled and nodded to her, as to say she was free to speak. «Do you think the dementors helped her escape? That they're not truly loyal to the Ministry despite Voldemort's demise?», she asked, her cheeks slightly flushed at her own forwardness.

«You're onto something Miss Granger, those foul creatures feed off of decay and despair. So when Voldemort offered them free range across the country and as many victims as they wanted, of course they chose his side», he began, «with Bellatrix Lestrange being one of Voldemort's closest allies there could be a chance that they're now seizing the opportunity to get what they were promised», Professor Lupin said and watched his students eyes widen in fear, «needless to say, these are mere speculations, nor yet unreasonable».

Another student raised his hand, «if that is true, how do you think they're planning on keeping her behind bars forever? Without their help, I mean», he asked.

Remus Lupin looked up and thought about it for a second before he spoke, «there are many terrible things wizards and witches can do in this world, and they are not entirely limited to those who seek dark power, like Voldemort and his followers did. The Ministry is capable of finding a way, to that I am certain. But», he lifted a finger as to make an important point, «with that said, we do not encourage any engagement with dark magic among the lot of you».

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now