9 • Memory Lane

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A/N: I know some might be expecting this to move faster. But please be patient with me.

When you went to bed that night you wondered how your last year at Hogwarts was going to be. It wouldn't be like the previous years. Not just because of the heightened security, but also due to the fact that it really was your last. It put some pressure on you to figure out your future, and what you were going to be.

Who do I want to be?

You stood in the bathroom connected to your sleeping chambers. Looking in the mirror you touched the little scratch on your cheek, replaying in your head the memory of seeing the dark figure in the maze and running from it.

The Potter boy had said that The Dark Lord was back, but no one knew really knew. You wondered if Jade had been right about it being him in the maze, but at the same time you couldn't figure out why it would've. Somehow you knew it must have been the man that showed up shortly after. But that option scared you almost as much as the first.

Looking at your face you traced your jaw and chin with your fingertips. Feeling his hands on you had made you feel different. It set a fire in you, without you being able to explain why.

You really did wonder what perks it had, being close to Mr. Malfoy. It was he who gave Draco his power, so maybe...

But were you even close? He had told you that you were beautiful, and he kissed you once. Him already cheating on his wife didn't exactly help you trust him, or understand him.

You felt your stomach churn at the thought. Would Draco hate you for what you did?

He wouldn't if he didn't know.

Having brushed your teeth you decided to step into the shower. Feeling the hot water run down your skin made you relax instantly, so you just stood there. Closing your eyes you tried to ignore your mind wandering and just focused on your breath, the water and the feeling it gave you. You started stretching your neck, slowly leaning and tilting your head to the left, then forward and towards the right. Then back again.

Washing your hair you thought about Draco. In the maze he had seemed like he liked Pansy a lot. But when the group was together he wasn't that way, although he did let her stay close to him, touching him every now and then. But that was the thing, he always seemed a bit cold, which was the reason no one really knew what type of relationship they had.

Theodore had said Draco liked you. But based on what information? You didn't think Draco would tell him.

The soap and shampoo travelled down your body as the water washed it away. Opening your eyes you turned off the shower, stepping out to grab a towel. You hummed a tune that you had heard on the Wizarding Wireless Network earlier as you dried yourself. Putting your bathrobe on you twirled your hair up in your towel.

Looking in the mirror again your mind went straight back to Mr. Malfoy and his comment on your innocence. Had you really lost it, already?

Did I even have it in the first place?

You splashed your face with cold water from the sink, and then dried it. Putting on your black floral pyjamas you thought you could at least make sure you had clothes on if anyone came to wake you in the morning again.

When you went to open the door you felt cold air enter the damp bathroom. You instantly felt more refreshed.

As you walked in further to the room you felt your heart jump to your throat, the boy sitting on your bed startling you by his presence.

«Draco», you said and held your hand on your chest trying to calm your breathing.

«Hi», he said quietly. He was leaning back on his hands. «I didn't mean to scare you».

Chuckling you took the towel off of your head and dried your hair some more. «Well, you did», you said.

He sat up properly and ran his fingers through his hair. You noticed it was soft and fluffy, thinking he must've just showered too. «Is it okay if I hang out with you a bit?», he asked shyly.

You had never managed to figure that boy out. He seemed to be so different around his male friends than when he was with you. His bold character a bit more soft. Maybe all boys were like that with girls.

Hanging the towel over a chair to dry you smiled at the boy. «Sure, what's up?», you asked, grabbing your brush from the desk in your room.

«Pansy won't leave me alone», he said quietly looking away. You laughed as you proceeded to brush your hair.

«Won't she wonder where you are? She won't be happy to find you in here», the boy shifted in his seat at your words.

«I told one of the house elves to let her know I was in my father's study, and to not interrupt», he explained, shrugging.

«Good one», you remarked, sitting down next to him on the edge of the bed. Then you shuffled backwards onto the bed and laid your head back on the silk pillows.

Draco turned to look at you, «do you mind if I-», he pointed at the spot next to you.

«Not at all», you smiled at him.

Draco crawled up next to you and laid down. Looking up at the roof. You both lay there, straight as logs, arms down. Awkward silence.

«I wanted to thank you», you started, still looking up. Draco turned his head to look at you, smiling a little.

«What for?» he asked.

«For being my friend», you said, meeting his eyes. He looked away, his smile fading.

«You're welcome», he muttered.

Propping yourself up on the side you smirked at the boy, who seemed lost in thought. «Do you remember the day we first talked?», you asked, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing.

He laughed though, resting his arms behind his head. «Yeah», he started, replaying the memory in his mind. It was in his first, and your third, year.

«Hogsmeade», Draco pointed out. You nodded in agreement. «At Zonko's, the Exploding Snap game exploded in Finnigan's hands, Potter was right next to him», he sniggered.

«I came to think about it yesterday when the game exploded on the balcony», you said, laying back down.

«Our eyes met when we laughed that day», Draco said.

«Yes. Yesterday too», you smiled softly.

«When you put the dungbomb into the pocket of Potter's robe as he walked past you I knew I wanted to be your friend», Draco said looking at you, smirking.

You both couldn't stop laughing as you tried to describe the situation and the smell inbetween laughs.

«Oh my god, and then Snape came in and told Potter to leave because he was so stinky», you remembered.

«He didn't even know», Draco added, looking at you with admiration in his eyes.

«Granger saw me though, she yelled at me», you said, bringing your hand to your forehead, shaking your head. She was something.

«That mudblood never know when to shut it», Draco groaned. His use of the word mudblood was a lot more frequent than you would prefer, but you knew how the Malfoy family felt on the matter and you didn't feel like it was your spot to question it. However, you did feel like it was unfair that Granger was more skilled than certain purebloods and halfbloods.

«That's when you stepped in, and told her off. She seemed pretty angry», you giggled. Draco stared at the roof. «You know, I would've been able to stand up for myself», you added, making Draco smile.

«I know, it wasn't that I didn't think you could», he started, looking over at you he focused on your lips and then at your eyes. «I wanted to impress you», he said quietly.

You didn't know what to say, and Draco noticed. You both just got back into your previous position, the awkward silence returning like before. To your surprise you felt Draco's fingertips graze your hand, in attempt to hold it. Without really knowing why, you didn't move, welcoming him to do so. He curled his little finger around yours carefully, content as you didn't let go.

Your heart fluttered.

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