83 • Wee Pumpkin

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A/N: I realise this chapter contains a lot of dialogue. Shit happens. And it's probably not the first time I've done that. I apologise.


It was the day of the meeting. You'd heard that the respresentative of the Ministry had arrived, and Snape had been summoned.

He hadn't spoken to you about it again, and you'd figured he'd done so on purpose to keep you out of it. Maybe Draco's father was meant to be present and he hated the three of you in the same room. You couldn't blame him.

But with Madam Pomfrey also going to the meeting you needed another alternative for a babysitter. So, that's why you found yourself hastily walking through the Hogwart's grounds, on your way to Hagrid's hut. Harry had told you before that anyone would be welcome there.

On the way down you heard a female's voice call out your name, which made you stop. It was Pansy.

She'd kept it a secret this far. At least that's what you thought, as you hadn't heard anything of it, and you were sure all hell would break loose if it got out.

«Parkinson», you said, the tone of your voice portrayed your surprise and curiousity.

«Where are you going?», she asked.

«Why do you care?»

«Nevermind then, I just wanted to talk to you», she shrugged.

«Go on, I don't have much time though», you said. Scarlet was asleep in your arms, her lips parted, and light snores came from her little nose. Her dark hair had gotten longer and it lay disheveled over her forehead.

«How did you.. you know..», she struggled to find the right words, «oh, I don't know. I'm just very surprised is all».

«If you're talking about Severus», you looked at her, raising your eyebrows awaiting a nod or any confirmation. She did so, «well, then, it just happened. And, frankly, I'm very happy».

«It just seems surreal», she pointed out as you both began walking the direction you were going.

«I suppose so», you replied and sighed, «it's been a ride, that's for sure».

In more ways than one, that is.

«So is he Scarlet's father then?»

«Of course», you smiled.

Pansy chuckled, «that's so crazy. And all this time I thought you were after Draco».

«I never really was», you replied.

«But a professor? Y/N, he is so much older than you».

«It's not that bad, he just turned 37 in january», you said, feeling your cheeks turn red.

«I'd say a 17 year age gap is a lot», she said quietly.

«Does it really matter?», you groaned.

«I suppose not», she paused, «but how..?»

You laughed, «I don't know what to tell you».

«Everything, oh my god, it's the gossip of all time», she breathed in excitement.

«Gossip? You won't tell anyone about all of this?», you raised an eyebrow.

«No», she said quickly.

«You're not working with Rita Skeeter or anything?», you challenged.

«I know I haven't been the nicest, but even that is too low for me», she furrowed her eyebrows, «I'm kind of offended you'd even think that».

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